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Everything posted by mitsi

  1. Server website : http://l2lethal.weebly.com/ :INFORMATIONS: Rates: -XP 45x / SP 45x / Adena 50x./ Spoil x5 Server -C4 server played via Interlude Client. Retail server with custom modifications. Extra info -Buffs 1h,Offline Shop,Tattoos, Rebirth System,Increased movement speed on all classes,ANTI-Buff added on all Classes. Getting Noblesse L2Lethal has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse. -Death Lord Hallate -Kernon -Longhorn Golkonda -Shilen's Messenger Cabrio Event Shop You can exchange your event Medals to Dianne. Our Unique Items Necklaces Neclace of Valakas Necklace of Brakki Necklace of Hekaton Necklace of Naga Earrings Earring of Garacsia Earring of Ipos Earring of Falston Earring of Vermilion Earring of Von Helman Earring of Kandra Rings Ring of Shadith Ring of Mos Ring of Horuth Ring of Tayr Bow Bow of Halisha Mages Lady's Fan Dusk Staff Dusk Sword Polearms Dreadbane Axe of Ketra Dual Swords Crokian Blade*Crokian Blade Doll Knife*Doll Knife Daggers Doll Knife Giant Trident One Hand Swords Crokian Blade Sword of Apostle Two Hand Sword Sword of Vampire Blunts Cudgel Shields Dusk Shield Shield of Reflect Shield of Evasion Armors Apella 55% - 100%
  2. SERVER IS LIKE OLD L2 GOLD PLEASE DO NOT SPAM..IF YOU DONT WANT TO CHECK/PLAY THIS SERVER JUST DONT ENTER THIS TOPIC!!!! http://l2lethal.weebly.com/ :INFORMATIONS: Rates: -XP 45x / SP 45x / Adena 50x./ Spoil x5 Server -C4 server played via Interlude Client. Retail server with custom modifications. Extra info -Buffs 1h,Offline Shop,Tattoos, Rebirth System,Increased movement speed on all classes,ANTI-Buff added on all Classes. Getting Noblesse L2Gold has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse. -Death Lord Hallate -Kernon -Longhorn Golkonda -Shilen's Messenger Cabrio Event Shop You can exchange your event Medals to Dianne. Our L2Gold Items Necklaces Neclace of Valakas Necklace of Brakki Necklace of Hekaton Necklace of Naga Earrings Earring of Garacsia Earring of Ipos Earring of Falston Earring of Vermilion Earring of Von Helman Earring of Kandra Rings Ring of Shadith Ring of Mos Ring of Horuth Ring of Tayr Bow Bow of Halisha Mages Lady's Fan Dusk Staff Dusk Sword Polearms Dreadbane Axe of Ketra Dual Swords Crokian Blade*Crokian Blade Doll Knife*Doll Knife Daggers Doll Knife Giant Trident One Hand Swords Crokian Blade Sword of Apostle Two Hand Sword Sword of Vampire Blunts Cudgel Shields Dusk Shield Shield of Reflect Shield of Evasion Armors Apella 55% - 100%
  3. One topic already exists but it has broken link..so i need them...:)please reshare them :)
  5. please reshare!!!! :)
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