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About Selim

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  1. I think 1GB for l2j is enought, assembla free will be good.
  2. My project is only for my own experience and learn :P But i work with my friend and i want svn. I think i go to free assembla and will be fine ?
  3. Hello, I want create svn repositories for 1 project. I need stable and good security platform. Free assembla plan with 1gb stoarage will be good? Or i need go to xp-dev Pro Small Plan? Maybe somethink else?
  4. Ok, but package will be better than installer from top site?
  5. Hi. I format my pc and i want download eclipse but i don't know what vesrion will be good only for l2j i don't see "eclipse classic" , mby "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" ?
  6. omg i say you must play here? If you think my srv will be sux, ok it's your problem not my....
  7. You read my start post? "want start do somethink for my own experience" Mby my knowledge is low, but as i say i want learn this shit and when i have more knowledge mby i open srv, why not.. I never say i open srv today.
  8. 20ppl i mean on test srv, my friends. But on live srv if i try to open it i have more players ;p I think L2j like as you say is more "customizable", mean i can do what i need if i have have enough experience.
  9. Thx for fast reply, btw. best l2off pack in your opinion?>
  10. Hello. I'm not profesional developer, but i know little java,c++ and i want start do somethink for my own experience, and i have questions. 1. Better for me is start with aCis or any l2off pack? 2. To run test srv to max 20ppl with full geodata OVH VPS 2GB Ram is enough, or i must go to 4GB ? 3. To make svn Assembla free plaan (1Gb) is enough or i must go to Xp-dev.com pro small 2gb? 4. Where i can buy best machine with ddos protect to live srv? 5. Best Anti bot software?
  11. I think dwarf looks better with short wpn, i mean looks awesome :P
  12. Who know how to make it? I mean on l2jfrozen/acis dwarf have shields/weapons same size like others class, on some srv i see dwarfs class have short wpn/shield
  13. Close this topic and ban this scamer, i think frozen can be good too but must have good developer and spend much time, no only take all mods and implement it on pack..
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