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About Berrr

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  1. btw i made some scripts for l2.net and it is ultimate for oly matches. never makes misstake :P
  2. It will never work. You can't make walker script for pressing a button. It works only with hiperlink dialogs. Maybe it can be made by l2phx(also recording)
  3. already posted http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=20575.msg134265#msg134265
  4. not sure about age but approx 10000 years old :P
  5. wrong section topic locked use request section pls
  6. there is an option on vendor tam refresh(or other phrase) every X minutes the shop is filled when U sell ALL items, this is why i prefer selling 4 brands with 4 chars ;) BTW Wrong section, next time post to Request bot help section Topic locked,
  7. Not working bcouse Darkside updated to Kamael. Topic locked
  8. [Hidden Content] FIXED topic locked :P
  9. 1. wrong section 2. already published http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21301.0 3 locked
  10. game freezes after 1-2 min?
  11. 1. try to check, maybe this packet is filtered by you 2. topic locked because of wrong section
  12. use search :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=3126.0
  13. omfg start l2phx, use skill, and look at sent packets. i dunno why to make list like this for skills
  14. already posted http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19576.0 topic locked :P
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