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Everything posted by BmwCoupe

  1. Server lost people because of 5 things ( Server was AWSOME before this ) 1st DDOS re-oppened even we had some dc from time to time ( not many ) 2nd PETHETIC changes to prices items agan and again ( like apiga.. i sold 500 apiga with 12 adena and next day apiga was 15 adena at shop for 2nd time ) Also prices to Crowns etc 3rd Admins were active alot but 1-2 weeks later 2-3 hours Max per day 4rth Litle unbalance ( this is normal for l2j :D ) 5th Donate items ... for me thats 100% that admin gave s weapon as donate reward p.s. iRak was the 1st s Weapon and we did it together it was not donate :) sps with elemt summoner... Op :) Server was AWSOME when it started realy NO1 FUCTION but .... to many hater DDos .... that destroyed it... If server was Protected propetly from the 1st time now it would had more than 600 Online at this hour Also donate was OFF or something that DONT give adena or s items and NO re-build of prices
  2. Craft means Craft Whats the point to join a mid rate No craft server? No reason
  3. So as you can see i am looking for a NEW (1-10 DAYS ) SERVER L2 OFF not l2 JAVA Low rate x1 - x80 not more Npc buffer it wouldt be nice Also a shop with d,c or b dont care much Craft server obviusly Interlude Thats all Ty and dont bull.... Server that will oppen soon are accsepted DONT REPLY WITH l2mid ( i already play there ) DONT REPLY WITH L2NOBILITY ( i will never join suckers server )
  4. Nicolás™ Never Bored to oppen 2 weeks server ...
  5. - Subclass raids 8H +/- 1 - Noblesse raid * Retail barakiel 8H +/- 1 * New barakiel 16H +/- 1 What you mean there will be 2 raid 1 mormal for q item and 1 for? Dont make to easy the server ... If you want to succes it for more than 1 month at least dont make it easy, as harder as more time Also what about Craft-Quest drop,reward, etc?
  6. Anyway gl but i can bet not more than 100 active. You just comersial what you sell no protections no advertise not more than a month server no reason for me to join gl again
  7. XP/SP From kills - Starting LvL:78 Enchant safe: +4 Max Enchant: +16 (Rates:75% normal 100% Bless) Faction players has red/blue circles around them Adena can be earned by killing other faction members or captured flags Every player can rechose his faction on faction manager We have faction points system Faction Points can be received in many ways too - pvp, ctf,TVT,OLY! Captured Flag "60+ Maps" Custom Reward From PvP + increase Bonus Custom Java Gatekeeper With Many Map's Duration 1h /45/30 min Unique Buffer With All Buffs/ pp/wc/bd/ss/ee/se Balance Login For the teams Round top killer Reward + HERO Aura Community Board with best player + points kills death's "online /offline status" Siage Hero System Enable Hero status till death every 9 pvp kills without death. Thats all? Summoners can play is there party reward More info pls
  8. 1st off all this is not pigasos Pigasos at least was speaking engl and not Translate ... (even that pigasos was typing wrong letters ) This is not Old Core.... If someone oppens Old core let say just that Online Players: 400 -700 Admin or what ever you are, If you want a succsefull server PAY A DDOS PROTECTIONS COMPANY 400+ Euros ... Unfortunatly ... Anyway gl even you suck I HOPE I SEE OLD CORE AGAIN ......
  9. Entaxi ws asxetos tou thematos kai diavazontas afta pou grafete exw na pw to eksis Battery Top google pseftis ( Einai to paidi pou diavazi kati sto internet kai meta paei kai to grafi san gnomi tou,Ellhnas anistoritos pou exei minei se plisi egkefalou kapoiou felou " komatos logika i kamenou kathigiti " ) Battery ama pusteues esto ta misa apo osa les tha eprnes ena ksilo tha espages tin othoni tou pc sou kai meta tha varouses to kefali sou pou akoma skeftese "Wx re pousti pws tha mpw mxc twra kai fb na lew tin dithen dikia m gnomi peri tou thematos " I noimosini stamata se ena simio profanos i dikia s exei stamatisi, an isoun realistis pou afto les oti eisai me ta legomena sou, den tha ekanes new acc sto mxc meta apo ban alla tha epsaxnes na breis mia douleia anti na tros etima lefta " p.s. Esu ellhnara katse mathe na grafis se plhktrologio ellinika was ethnikistis kai ase ta mathimata propagandas .... Mou thimizis tromera tous knites pou erxontousan sta sxoleia gia propaganda .... deksios me ethnikistikes aposispsis ... New race oso gia ton allon pou leei delete acc ktl... Allos felos... Eukolo thima tis koinonias ton hlithion, mono pou edose toso polu sumasia gia na kanei olokliri sizitis .... anti na prospatheis na traviksis tin prosoxi ton allon legontas delte acc, Kane Leave kai pane vres kati kalitero na kaneis giati oute gia douleia eisai ikanos... Afta .... With Love Marry Christamas !!!!
  10. Mid rate But until A grade to Gm-Shop ( or s but not lower than A ) Pet Buffer PvP server also with Pet Buffer Xp : x35- 10.000 Shop from A to S items ( NO CUSTOM ) Pet Buffer No Craft before S items ( Max S items craft ) l2off or l2j Thats all
  11. Just 2 question Since server starting lags and dcs 3 days ago Did you notify players ? i was Online from the 1st lag Nothing announce, And after 3-4 hours we see on forum we will be online in some minutes we make restart the machine Also after rr lags were getting worst and worst and server was restarted 2 - 3 times ( when my clan was kiling core ) No Announces after almost two days you call a maintrance and still cant oppen it... You call this Profesional work? So 2 questions Did you notify players ? in the right time ( bring some proof ) Even yestarday Shortly was realy shortly more then 12 hours already You call this Profesional work? ( no need to answere we all know the answer ) If you dont want to answer its ok i will no spam more your topic. I will leave your topic and your server peacefully Your server is profecional work, but Staff are not profecional
  12. You told me 1 db .. othere 4? ... Let it dude.. its obvius .... Unfortunatly The worst is admin/gm Lie or dont say anything ... Today server got much DDos atack. Probably retards that wanted items admin the only think that posted was the xtmas event... realy now? and after 48 hours of lag dc and down he say Maintrance.... yea sure He noticed that connections were blocking after 48 hours? or firewall was the reason of lag and dellay ... DDos works like this Small atack dellay bigger atacks dellay lag bigger atacks x2 lag, dc biggest atack dc, down server Huge atack down server for hours Extreamly huge atack down server for days weeks Today server was on "biggerst atacks" and going to Huge atacks Edite: server at night was about 150 vs 150 + Chek it now ( or when will stay on for 2 days )
  13. 2 s weapon? Dont be redicilus Did you cheked donation list? If yes you coult see there was no s items or any Just apiga obviusly with some more $ you can get more. Like Weapons to newbies as we so before server close again and some tt jew Great from 1k dmg now i hited 400 dmg to hawkey and i got back 3.4k ... Yes thats Normaly... The only one who got weapon NORMALY was iRak and he was farming 3 days for that...3k pvp and the 2nd day we all so the Dragonic Bow .... of a newbie and today 4 more db from newbies again .... Yea right Nothing unusual
  14. Y right and you w8ted 48 hours to say that? If server had no DDos atack and you didint gave s weapons ( to donators OR DDosers so they will stop ) i am Jesus Edit: Server was perfect before all the donations of S items
  15. L2 Ovc http://l2ovc.com/ Hello all so i will be fast I sell 1.200 adena Dc set +3/3/1/0 B Grade Jews +3/3/3/4/3 1 top ls Price: 10 Euro paysafe Why? 1st i leave the server 2nd Read the 1st Name: MrElamou (Yes from many server, like i sold on mafia etc etc ) Contact me by message If someone calls me a scammer give 1 proof and i will give you my items for FREE If you aren't interest DONT REPLY My main acc is stucked and mxtor dont give a sh1t... http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171996-baned/ He just dont reply to my messages nothing else. But thats me
  16. Hyperfileter... Yea right ... ddos protection to maximum
  17. Are you kiding me right? hole day server oppened and close 10 times, lag didint stop and you announce just the event? oh Yes i forgot You gave items to the DDosers so they will stop? Or all this TT,WEAPONS are just donate? You didint say anything about all this lags, DDos... So i log and i see 50% Lower people... and what are you doing all day? Did you even say anything to all players? I make Pettions i get 0 reply So.. Anything to say about all this? You just destroy your own server and im realy desapointed because it was awsome server so aftter server get all this DDos sudenly we all see new player with S weapons tt jew... Epic to pay them with item so they will stop DDos atacks If you wanted to fix all this Just Inform all player there were many that wil Gift money so you coulnt buy a good Protection ...
  18. At that momment i asked, yes i had a ltile problem on log but after 30 minutes everything was just Fine!!! Still w8ting to fnish the Bomp Event... ( by the way put the same think to summoner like bishop, since i dont get pvps ( as summoner very low to get ) my nick name doesnt change and i cant oppen castle doars )
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