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  1. You got unlucky there buddy
  2. It depends. If the server is crowded then, the trades are more hard to trace. Just create 20-40-60 accounts and pass the items with trade from char to char all time. At the end the traces will cease to exist. If an Administrator takes his time to investigate, then the trades will be lost from the logs.
  3. That's a problem for the future, in the time being, let's enjoy the game.
  4. Interlude released 2006. 15 years later, thousands of players are still active. What could happen in a couple years?
  5. [offTopic]Increasing your prices won't get you the results you're hoping for. Also, If a Developer is worth 500/code he shouldn't just work for lineage2 emulators. You arrange your prices by the population of a game. I'm not against an "expensive" Developer. I'm against the whole diva attitude.[/offTopic] aCis will be king of java emulators in a couple years. That's what i'm thinking.
  6. I've seen "admins" ruining developer's work. I've seen Administrators rulling in the business. After all, If no Admins, then no Devs. Except if a Developer is also an Administrator. In that case delete everything I said. Administrators and Developers should work as an entity. I'm observing an attitude here. Not only from you, but in a lot of Developers I've come across those years. Players report to Admins, then Admins think about what to do and they report to Developers. And @Kara if no servers, then no job for you. Remember that. Developers not the top of the iceberg stop acting like it. We all have the same motivation that keeps us working. My job is equally important as yours. If my server has lots of people, then it has lots of donations. Lots of donations = More codes from you. And that's how you all have 2k+ posts in this forum. Ok, I get it now.
  7. Well, I'm reading the whole topic. Doesn't need that much brain to realize the trashtalk
  8. Trash talk is always a bad thing. Can we please keep this civilized? Well, as possible. Isn't the goal to achieve a project that is actually playable for the players? Otherwise, why to begin developing an emulator? Is it fun, or?
  9. Well, this escalated quickly. In conclusion. If a developer knows his shit, packs doesn't matter. Also, if a Administrator knows his shit too, also the pack doesn't matter. As @StinkyMadness said, players are the final judge. If the players doesn't like the server then it doesn't really matter if it's aCis or Lucera, Orion, Frozen, OFF. #changemymind
  10. The thing with L2OFF is that, it is extremely hard to make customs. Everything has it's pros and cons. Although the question is about Java emulators. I'm going to stick with my original opinion and say aCis once more. I would like more members of the community, fellow users of aCis or Lucera to respond. I'm saying it again. This is not a topic to help me decide which emulator is best for me. This topic was created to determine what the community thinks! /discuss
  11. I'm already using aCis. I just wanted to know your opinions. Thanks for your opinion. It really matters that you said that.
  12. So in conclusion, having a server based on Lucera is just dumb. You are limited to use his formulas (even tho some of them are terrible) and you can't change much.
  13. I'm working on aCis since 2016. It is not an issue on what pack I will choose. I never dealt with Lucera but as i said above, just because someone pointed out that Lucera has better features, I wanted to know the community's opinion. I'm saying that because half of your answer was unnecessary. Thanks for your opinion tho.
  14. Well, I'm sure that @Tryskell will keep updating the sources. That's why I'm asking the community of MxC. Lots of known or unknown issues are already fixed in Lucera. Then again, aCis has an active team and a very active audience that tests daily.
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