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Posts posted by ZaNteR

  1. server is not dedicated but not so bad


    Server Specification :

    50mbit/s international internet

    4gb DDR3 ram

    500 gb hard

    Intel Duo Core T5800 2.1ghz


    it can handle 200-300 max w/o lag :) (i hope)


    Link For Patch will be added in 2 days! :)


    i runned 500 players on 2gb ram dont worry, unless you have windows then worry.

  2. www.l2aeonic.com


    Some basic info, if you want more visit our site.




    x1000 XP, x5000 Adena, x1 Drop


    Enchant Rates


    Safe Enchant: +4

    Max Enchant Weapon: +16

    Max Enchant Armor/Jewls: +10

    Normal scroll rate: 33%

    Blessed scroll rate: 100%


    Some Features and Customs


    Starting level 41.

    Leveling Area.

    2 Solo Farming Areas.

    1 Party Farming Area.


    NPC Buffers" & "GM Shops"

    Buff duration time 3 hours.

    Buff slots: 26+4  | Songs & Dances slots: 15

    TvT Every Hour.

    Heroes Every 2 Weeks

    6 Hours Olympiad every day

    All Grandboss Level 85, random spawn once per day

    Experienced Team

    Stable. No lag.

    Custom GM Access Levels (NO Enchant,NO Edit of any kind and NO GM Shop Privileges for Our Gamemasters).


    Server was started at 29/7/2010.


    We have 150 Active Players till now.


    I hope to see you online with us.



  3. Those that cant accept L2J has become far superior to L2OFF are going to insitst otherwise. Search for L2J VS L2OFF Topics all the answers are there. Stop living in the past guys.


    P.S: I am supporting L2J Gracia +. For Interlude and older L2OFF is better but you cant have a special server with L2OFF.

  4. Guys it's all about the people behind every server, if the team is decent then the server is decent. Now about l2off server its was about time for them to start dying, i mean who is going to play C4 servers dressed to look like interlude or hellbound.

  5. Linux giati:prwton einai pio fthina kai defteron exoun kaliteri apodosi apo windows server.


    Kai o xeirismos ama ksereis ta vasika tis gramis entolon tou linux kai exeis asxolithei me FTP einai eukolos.

  6. http://l2dismay.com/


    Bartz PvP:


    XP Rate: 1000

    SP Rate: 1000

    Adena Rate: 1000




    * Global Gatekeeper

    * GmShop

    * NpcBuffer, Global Teleporter

    * Automated TvT

    * Parnasus as Custom Farming Spot

    * 2 Hours Bufftime

    * 36 Buffslots (20+4 with divine inspiration, 12 Dances/Songs)

    * 55% Normal Enchant Rate, 80% Blesses Enchant Rate -> Max. +20 Safe. +4

    * Lvl 81 and 83 Skills! ->Auto-Learn

    * Unique GamePlay

    * Weekly Olympiad. Fair Fights even with High Enchants! All Enchants are +0!!

    * Full Geodata & Pathfinding

    * Buyable Noblesse Status (talk with Talien)

    * Fantasy island is a PvP Compact Zone.


    And much more.


    We are waiting for you.



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