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Everything posted by luizbird

  1. someone tried any newest version of walker? i tried the 10.7.1 but the Token didnt work... and I tried the versoin 10.7.4 and i can connect but the npcs names dont work... i tried anothers "lsinfo" files from others versions but i got the same problem.... i just want to know my buff time ^^
  2. so, u think i should use this file from newer or older walkers?? i tried the last version and got the same error.... no npc names.
  3. any idea to fix it??
  4. the dat file u are saying is the "L2Info.vcd"? in es, this version dont show npcs names... but the version 10.6.3 show.... so, i tried to copy this file and use in the new walker but i got the same problem...
  5. lol... u were right.. i forgot the offset ^^ now, which is the best version of walker? the 10.7.4 dont show the npcs names o.O
  6. o.O i tried on version 10.7.4. Nothing... I runned token. its openned the walker... after some secs, i got a error message... "L2walker not found". I need a new version of token?
  7. isnt the same procedure that i did for the version 10.6.3? i did the same but didnt get connection...
  8. This version didnt work too.... no other version worked to me o.O
  9. Hmmm im trying to use newer versions of l2walker but i cant.. i belive that is the token program that is not the right version for these one... there is a new version of token?
  10. why u think that?
  11. sure? i tried but didnt work..
  12. just another question: this thing works with walker version 10.7.1?
  13. ty!!! its working o Es too!!
  14. dont work in my server... too bad :(
  15. just to tell u something: in servers that this bug works, its not 100% that u will got ur skill enchanted... sometimes its broke too... so, be careful... dont try to enchant to much.... up them +10 is risky
  16. i had problem with vista... then i put xp back.. now ill comback to vista! ty!
  17. hmmm.. its good to use when u are in jail and want to bug the door to get out of there! nice!
  18. wow!!! nice site! im downloading many maps now. ty!
  19. u can find here: www.4share.com search for videos..
  20. hmm... nice site
  21. hmmm.. it sounds a very nice server... ill try this weekend...
  22. lol.... yeah.. its a nice "share"... hhehee.. good for the noobs...
  23. +18??? lol but i think that ur gm will suspect of that.. ;)
  24. let me try...
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