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About Rince

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  1. Does not work for me, Jagurs just don't drop the items. Playing on new h5 server.
  2. Chrome+Opera+firefox, and in all got to many tabs open ;)
  3. I own the S3, and would stick to android over iOS but next phone will be probably Google Nexus 4 it is great. And for that budget of it not sure if you can better deal.
  4. The best/most fun for me was c3. However now a days it is H5. But a lot of it depends from the people with whom I played. No matter how good/flawless could it be if there is no awesome people to play with.
  5. Hey All, I am new here however had a look sometimes without registration before. Now got a bit more interested and actually quite like the forum. I like to read up on the developer section and possibly at some point get more into it and maybe help someone with their server. Thanks for all the great shares and advices to people. Rince
  6. Hey just want to ask if it is still actual?
  7. I believe that few years back around c3 there was a good balance of classes. So tank was a tank and could take couple of people and although he couldn't kill them but they had problem with killing him too. "Archer can't beat good Tank" Yeah but this should go other way round too so Tanks killing people in few shots isn't the best thing too. Tanks, healers , warriors ... more or less the name suggest how the class should look like. At the moment a lot of people wants their class to kill everyone else which is wrong. It should be more specialized I play healer because love team work and keep people alive not to kill others, from that are daggers and nukkers in my party.
  8. Hey send me pm if you still looking for mid rate serv with clan.
  9. From player point of view would probably go with h5 version too, however more traditional without all the custom items/shops etc.
  10. How about a titan pretty cool class as well for solo.
  11. Thanks for sharing it.
  12. Although can't access it yet cause have less then 10 posts but can already say Nice work ;)
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