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  1. I need some advice about a npc instance. I want to add a code for players not to be able to buy items as they want of the same kind just as they are allowed. who gives me this snap-in code on npc Npc is for interlude
  2. I need some advice about a npc instance. I want to add a code for players not to be able to buy items as they want of the same kind just as they are allowed. who gives me this snap-in code on npc
  3. who helps me with an instance of npc code. I want a player not to be able to buy the items he wants the same way. so I want a code to restrict this thing so that the player can buy as much as he wants. only when I set up that npc instance
  4. Who can help me add to this npc skill seller the restriction that a plaque can not buy more than 6 skill package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate; /* * @author Rizlaaa * * @editor Gabriel Fleck * @Date 2018/12/15 * @version 1.1 */ public class L2SkillSellerInstance extends L2NpcInstance { public final static int ITEM_ID = 3470; public final static int ITEM_COUNT = 20; buy restriction skill = max 6 private final int[] SKILL_IDS = { 3124, 3125, 3132, 3133, 3134, 3135, 3136, 3137, 3138, 3139, 3140, 3141 }; public L2SkillSellerInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } @Override public void showChatWindow(L2PcInstance j, int val) { if (j == null) return; StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder(); NpcHtmlMessage n = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); sendHtml(t, n, j); } private void sendHtml(StringBuilder t, NpcHtmlMessage n, L2PcInstance j) { t.append("<html><body><center>"); t.append("Hello, do you want some special skills?<br1>"); t.append("Choose whatever you want but don't forget<br1>"); t.append("you need 20 Gold Bars for each one.<br>"); for (int i : SKILL_IDS) { L2Skill s = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(i, 10); String name = ""; if (s != null) name = s.getName(); if (name != "") t.append("<center><a action=\"bypass -h skill" + i + "\">" + name + " Lv 10</a><br1>"); } t.append("</center></body></html>"); n.setHtml(t.toString()); j.sendPacket(n); } } please beautifully helped as a little bit kicking this restriction code
  5. who helps me implement the npc l2 skill seller as a player can not buy more than 4-5 skill. thank you very much for the code to the npc on your part.
  6. make some proofs before showing ur knowledge , if u gonna for example ( not advertising a server ) enter a server "ketrawars.net" in the middle of giran and if u will have more than 40+ fps , while looking at all the shops i will give u 40 euros.
  7. yes im here ;)
  8. Haha you are just a no knowlage spammer...its cracked on .Net....thas why isnt same ;)
  9. omg...its cracked version thats why...wake up!
  10. Here is my L2 Tower...its working fine with unlimited time... REMEMBER NEVER UPDATE IT!!! You can download it But press thanks or u are a Leacher! Thank you. I will keep post intresting thinks Here is the Virus Total Test : http://www.refud.me/results.php?id=xvzuw...r9pfsfmda0 Winrar Password is : www.maxcheaters.com Download Here : https://mega.co.nz/#!FJNxQTgQ!fklP4R2eYw...IlUkbys7Wk
  11. Here is my L2 Tower...its working fine with unlimited time... REMEMBER NEVER UPDATE IT!!! You can download it But press thanks or u are a Leacher! Thank you. I will keep post intresting thinks Here is the Virus Total Test : http://www.refud.me/results.php?id=xvzuw...r9pfsfmda0 Winrar Password is : www.maxcheaters.com Download Here : https://mega.co.nz/#!FJNxQTgQ!fklP4R2eYw...IlUkbys7Wk
  12. welcome: -=Server Rates=- - RateXp = 3000. - RatePartyXp = 3000. - RateDropAdena = 1000. - Drop: 1x. - Spoil: 1x. - Safe enchant: +5 - Max Enchant: +25 - Normal Scrolls: 65% - Blessed Scrolls: 85% - Crystal Scrolls: 100% -=LifeStones=- - High Grade LS Chance = 15% - Top Grade LS Chance = 25% -=Custom Items=- - Custom Armors - Custom Weapons - Custom Hats. - Custom Nobles Scrol - Custom Reputations Points Scrol -=Custom Npc's=- - GM Shop / Custom Shop - Npc Buffer - Global GateKeeper - Skill Enchanter Manager - Augmenter - Class Manager - Top Status - Weding Manager - Olympiad Manager - Siege Manager - Custom SubClass - Npc Lvl Up. -=General Features=- - Main Town Giran. - Sieges duration: 90 minutes. - Olympiads full retail work. - Olympiad period is every week. - Clan Hall Active. - All Items achieved without Donater. - Subclass free. - No Quest noble Free. - Event- RB event/Admin Races Event. - Olimpiad 18:00 /Finis 24:00 (Hero weekly). - Enchants Normal 65% / Blessed 85% / Crystal 100%. - Safe Enchants +5 / Maximo Enchant +20. - You have special areas where you can farm !!! http://l2olma.ddns.net
  13. welcome: -=Server Rates=- - RateXp = 3000. - RatePartyXp = 3000. - RateDropAdena = 1000. - Drop: 1x. - Spoil: 1x. - Safe enchant: +5 - Max Enchant: +20 - Normal Scrolls: 65% - Blessed Scrolls: 85% - Crystal Scrolls: 100% -=LifeStones=- - High Grade LS Chance = 15% - Top Grade LS Chance = 25% -=Custom Items=- - Custom Armors - Custom Weapons - Custom Hats. - Custom Nobles Scrol - Custom Reputations Points Scrol -=Custom Npc's=- - GM Shop / Custom Shop - Npc Buffer - Global GateKeeper - Skill Enchanter Manager - Augmenter - Class Manager - Top Status - Weding Manager - Olympiad Manager - Siege Manager - Custom SubClass - Npc Lvl Up. -=General Features=- - Main Town Giran. - Sieges duration: 90 minutes. - Olympiads full retail work. - Olympiad period is every week. - Clan Hall Active. - All Items achieved without Donater. - Subclass free. - No Quest noble Free. - Event- RB event/Admin Races Event. - Olimpiad 18:00 /Finis 24:00 (Hero weekly). - Enchants Normal 65% / Blessed 85% / Crystal 100%. - Safe Enchants +5 / Maximo Enchant +20. - You have special areas where you can farm !!! http://l2wallachia.ddns.net
  14. welcome: -=Server Rates=- - RateXp = 3000. - RatePartyXp = 3000. - RateDropAdena = 1000. - Drop: 1x. - Spoil: 1x. - Safe enchant: +5 - Max Enchant: +16 - Normal Scrolls: 65% - Blessed Scrolls: 75% - Crystal Scrolls: 100% -=LifeStones=- - High Grade LS Chance = 15% - Top Grade LS Chance = 25% -=Custom Items=- - Custom Armors - Custom Weapons - Special Hats. - Special Nobles Scrol - Special Reputations Points Scrol -=Custom Npc's=- - GM Shop / Custom Shop - Npc Buffer - Global GateKeeper - Skill Enchanter Manager - Augmenter - Class Manager - Top Status - Weding Manager - Olympiad Manager - Siege Manager - Custom SubClass -=General Features=- - Main Town Giran. - Sieges duration: 90 minutes. - Olympiads full retail work. - Olympiad period is every week. - Clan Hall Active. - Orange Itens. - NPC Buffer in all cities. - All Items achieved without Donater. - Subclass free. - Drops em Raid Boss / Jevels 0 +16. - Drops em Raid Boss Special / Jevels +20 / Armor + Weapon. +20. - No Quest noble Free. - Event- Custom 7 Event. - Olimpiad 18:00 /Finis 24:00 (Hero weekly). - Enchants Normal 65% / Blessed 75% / Crystal 100%. - Safe Enchants +5 / Maximo Enchant +16. - You have special areas where you can farm !!! http://l2blackleg.ddns.net
  15. welcome:L2Maritimo - Int Custom PvP. -=Server Rates=- - RateXp = 3000. - RatePartyXp = 3000. - RateDropAdena = 1000. - Drop: 1x. - Spoil: 1x. - Safe enchant: +5 (on all) - Max Enchant: +16 - Normal Scrolls: 65% - Blessed Scrolls: 75% - Crystal Scrolls: 100% -=LifeStones=- - High Grade LS Chance = 15% - Top Grade LS Chance = 25% -=Custom Items=- - Custom Armors - Custom Weapons - Special Hats. - Special Nobles Scrol - Special Reputations Points Scrol -=Custom Npc's=- - GM Shop / Custom Shop - Npc Buffer - Global GateKeeper - Skill Enchanter Manager - Augmenter - Class Manager - Top Status - Weding Manager - Olympiad Manager - Siege Manager - Custom SubClass -=General Features=- - Main Town Aden. - Sieges duration: 90 minutes. - Olympiads full retail work. - Olympiad period is every week. - Clan Hall Active. - Oranje Itens. - NPC Buffer in all cities. - All Items achieved without Donater. - Subclass free. - Drops em Raid Boss / Jevels 0 +16. - Drops em Raid Boss Special / Jevels +20 / Armor + Weapon. +20. - No Quest noble Free. - Event- Custom 7 Event. - Olimpiad 18:00 /Finis 24:00 (Hero weekly). - Enchants Normal 65% / Blessed 75% / Crystal 100%. - Safe Enchants +5 / Maximo Enchant +16. - You have special areas where you can farm !!! http://l2maritimo.ddns.net
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