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Everything posted by gothoulhs

  1. Hi.i want to ask if someone know a srv high rate with custom items(armors,weps,quests,)all customs like l2pride or l2enagaged with no lag please :-X
  2. Geia sas 8elw na rwthsw kati mipws 3erete pws borw na anoi3w diplo para8iro ston gold?? ???
  3. Wraia kovedoula me necro to kalitero einai afto p eipe enas pio panw mass bane warrior mass slow kai meta run hit run hit run hit episeis ama ftasei poly katw to life amesws curse death link
  4. need posts
  5. egw dn borw
  6. 8elw posts
  7. prepei na kanw posts opos dipote gia na dw pws 8a ftiaxw diko m server;D kalo to programataki
  8. pata sto google hopzone kai pata sto prwto site ekei 8a vreis oti 8es
  9. Lipon 8elw na ftiaxw enan server egw borw na exw to pc olh mera anixto dn me peirazei alla 8elw help sto pws opios endiaferete as me kanei add sto msn tou gothakos@hotmail.com ;D
  10. boreis plz na peis aftous tous servers p doulepse kai as efages ban
  11. Siga re ta bugs apo to thegame ta ixera sxedon ola otan htan c3
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