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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. Running with tower = ban by acc, ip, hwid ;) GL
  2. Server is running with 3300+ players. We do not help to players.
  3. Why you are so bad with this words against me ? We are TOP OFF IL SERVER and will be always ;) Like it or not! Find better server and play there kid. Its your choice ;) skilled ppl
  4. We don't sell epics dude you wring the server. If we sell epics/ items how we have 3300 people online? Stupid hater ;) http://l2mid.com/epic - all epics on server!
  5. Bot is not allowed! DON'T try to login with bot programs. (Ban after 1 hour by account). Second chance is second chance you know exactly what is this... The server will be stopped if the online is 10 people. 6 months without wipe and new server... Guarantee 100% About corruption we know exactly who talking against us. We growing faster and fast year year. Btw have epic control on websites and 2-3k ppl in our community, and you think we have corrupt? (words vs words without prove is completely bullshits for me) ps. excuse me for this fast words. write on our forum i don't have time here.
  6. Donate will be available at start. You can purchase only Lucky Golds Coins. Top donate will be noblesse and 50% double rates xp/adena/drop/spoil. Thank you we expect more than 2500 players at start.
  7. 11 days left. List of clans coming to L2Mid http://l2mid.com/forum/forum/6-clans-recruit-members/
  8. It's good. Last time only 1 player made +14 AM for 4 months gameplay.
  9. Is not every month wiped you don't know what you talking. People love to play our server (mid-rate fans) And we don't have FAKE ONLINE. You can check at: http://l2online.info/ Please don't tell that russian server cuz we don't have donate for A,S grade equips like (Nanna x75) old servers: 1. seprember 2013 25 april 2014 today : 1 november 2014
  10. Now i will don't speak on forum too much. People are happy :)
  11. Thanks you. It's nice to see one normal reply.
  12. About wipe yes you are right ;) every 6-7 months WIPE with 2k online. We have proved! (NO CORRUPTION!) http://l2mid.com/epic Give me some screens, or just prove that l2mid have corrupt?
  13. I see this screens.. and i can not understand what you want to prove with them?
  14. Advertising Event Started! http://l2mid.com/forum/topic/80-your-advertising/
  15. We will run another server, cuz people want it ;) check out. http://l2mid.com/forum/topic/8-winter-season/
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