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About Reph

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  1. 100 champs, 16 skins, 1300 normal games played. Rare baron nashor icon. Super high mrr. Im willing to accept middleman (I dont accept paysafecard as Im in need of rl money) Skins: Nurse Akali, Gladiator Draven, Rockegirl Tristana, Midnight Ahri, Traditional Lee Sin, Full Metal Rammus, Arctic Ops Kennen, Blood Lord Vladimir, Hired Gun Graves, Overlord Malazahar , Earthrune Skarner, Little knight Amumu, Dreadknight nasus, Dreadknight garen, Nightblade Irelia, Spooky gankplank. 4 Rune pages, runes: (Marks) 9x 0,91 armor 9x 1,3 armor pen 9x 0,95 psych dmg 9x 1,7 atk speed 9x 0,87 magic pen (Seals) 9x 0,59 ability power 9x 1,4 armor 9x 21mana at level 18 (Gyphs) 9x 1,2 ability power 9x 1,3 magic resistant 9x 26 mana at 18 (quints) 3x 5.0 ablity power 3x 2.6 armor pen 3x 3,4% atk speed 3x 4,5% crit dmg 3x 1.0 gold per 10 3x 2,5 health regen/5 3x 1,5% move speed 3x 75 mana at level 18. I can accept middleman, its urgent matter.
  2. True, Quints: 3x lifesteal, 3x psych dmg, 3x 38 mana, 3x 5 ap. If it comes to marks, 9x atk speed, 9x magic pen, 9x ad rest ofc normal shields and mr runes
  3. You realise that basicaly you insult your customer, right? Thats not healthy for any kind of business, not even prostitution. @Edit I have received the code that worked. Thanks
  4. Around 90 euro I would say
  5. The code does not work and never been used before, otherwise the msg would be totally different that the one I have below: Dont take me wrong, I dont want to ruin your business, all I want is my code that I wait 2 days for.
  6. Its 5:30pm and I still dont have the code that I paid for, will wait to the end of the day, I guess he scammed ,tho.
  7. He still didnt delivered my code that I paid for, waiting patiently till otmorrow
  8. Hiho, I would like to sell my main account, account is coming with original mail(gmail), Its located on EU WEST. It have 62 skins, 5 legendary skins and 1 ultimate, also few not obtainable anymore(Dark candy fiddlestick), screenshot is placed lower in this post. Its currently in silver 3 division, account had never been banned. I can show account on share screen on skype incase somebody is curious if the skins etc is owned. Skins: Recently bough all stars bundle + general wukong and morgana skin for 1350 rp. Account stats and icons: http://i.imgur.com/AYYz9MD.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/AYYz9MD.jpg[/img] Champions missins: Brand Corki Cassiopeya Fiora Hecarim Heimer Jarvan Karma Lee Sin Maokai Malazahar Nautilus Nocturne Quinn Renekton Shen Trundle Sion Volibear Xin Yorick.
  9. Reph

    eune acc

    I got acc on nordic and east, if you want to know more pm me ur skype, ill screen share.
  10. Just sent him 5 euro, will inform if I will get the codes or not! ^-^
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