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Everything posted by Dr_fotis

  1. Naia Stock : 1kkk+ Price: 5Euro/100kk (Special Offers for 1bill+ transactions) Paypal Only! Skype: Dr_Fotis_house Scam alert: GoldICQ, Adenabuy. com take Care
  2. Adena: 1kkk+ price negotiable (23euro/bill) Chars: Shilien Templar 83+SOS, PP 83 + CC , DC 80 , SWS+BD 80 Paypal only Skype: DR_Fotis_house
  3. Rpg Club x3
  4. As topic says : wtb DC 78+ with sub done Rpg Club x3 Skype: Dr_fotis_house
  5. Yes i do :)
  6. Othell Ghost Hunter lvl 99 with dualclass 99 (8 AP) Yull Trickster lvl 99 with dual 85 (3AP) - 45 Euro Wynn Spectral Master lvl 99 with dual 90 (4AP) -45 Euro Othell (all classes) lvl 99 with dualclass 85 (3AP) - 45Euro Iss Enchanter (Sword muse) lvl 99 with Dualclass 85 (4AP) Aore Healer (Evas Saint) lvl 99 with dualclass 85 (4ap) -60Euro Sigel lvl 99 with dualclass lvl85 (4Ap, Skills +5, oly weapons) -60Euro Paypal only! Skype : Dr_Fotis_house
  7. Καλό παιδί! Γρηγορο trade! +1 απο μενα
  8. You Can add me on skype for further info :)
  9. Selling adena in Naia server in top prices Paypal only Skype: Dr_Fotis_House Stock: 3b Price: 27E/bill Scammers list : Skype names: Rene quinton, Legendaryadenamarket,OpenFight Paypal name: Artem Digavcov
  10. WTB: Soul QA R99 set +8 items or blessed above +7 Paypal Only Pm here or skype : Dr_fotis_house
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