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  1. Update: Reworked balance of classes (Tyrant, Sagittarius, Moonlight Sentinel, Ghost Sentinel, Dualist, Titan and Adventurer) Fixed grand and custom bosses drops Increased the rate of Beleth Coins dropping from monster in Hard Zones Fixed hero coin - duration is 24 hours instead of 1 hour Reworked auto events and changing the rewards
  2. L2OutOfControl is a high rate PvP and PvE server, a highly customized unique server with over 10 years of design experience to create and enhance both the PvP and PvE experience. The server was made on player’s suggestions and what would be the ultimate server to play. We also took the time observing game play as well as beta testing the ideas of our players. Server Info: - EXP: x1000 - SP: x1000 - Instant levelling - Custom Armor and Weapons - Custom Tattoo’s (See in-game for more info) - Standard Raid Boss Jewellery - Custom Adena system (OutOfControl Euros and Beleth Gold/Blood/Silver coins) - Subclass without Quest - Auto Learn skills - Auto drop (apart from Raid Bosses) - Buffs, Songs and Dances duration for 6 hours - Unique style of game play (for you to see in game) - Unique drops from mobs and raid bosses - Grand bosses - Custom Monsters and Raid Bosses - Anti armor and weapon system - Custom Augmentation system - Custom Symbol Maker - Exchange system for Adena to OutOfControl Euros - Normal Scroll: Safe +4, Max +15 – 60% Rate - Blessed Scroll: Safe + 15, Max + 15 – 100% Rate - Crystal Scroll: Safe +15 Max +25 – 100% Rate (Rare) Armors: You have 2 different types of armor which are: OLD SCHOOL: NEW SCHOOL: They produce the same stats but it’s whether which style of armor you prefer. Weapons: Normal C, B and A grade: S grade and R90 (Have the same stats): Basic and Greater Infinity Weapons: Royal Infinity Weapons: Infinity Weapons start from Basic to Greater and then to Royal which are farmable and produce different stats as they upgrade and enchant. Farm zones: There are 6 farm zones: Hard zones drop Beleth Blood/Gold/Silver coins. Normal zones drop Adena. Raid bosses: You have 2-4 Raid Bosses in every farm zone and 1 Raid Boss hidden with unique drops. We have made use of the Grand Raid Bosses here at OOC and left them in their current state with custom drops. Events: We have Auto Events every 30min - 2 Hours and a special event every day by the Event Manger in Coliseum or in our Wild Beast zone reserve for Events by our GM Team PvP: We spent a lot of time to developing and enhancing the usability of many of the core areas and game elements. Our focus is also to improve the game for lower skilled players as well, so as new players can enjoy the game too. Website: http://l2outofcontrol.com/ Face book: https://www.facebook.com/ooc.melikhov Forum: http://l2outofcontrol.com/forum/
  3. Hello, We are currently looking for a developer, for our custom Interlude server. Experienced, will be willing to pay but need to prove that you are a genuine developer and have worked on private servers before. Please add my skype if you are interested on working on our project. yuri_melehov555
  4. Everyone is right, people look at L2 as a business now instead of a hobby/game, I personally like to play PvP servers as I don't really have time to commit to a low rate due to work, but then if they made 2/3 castles siegable and only 1 clan in an alliance that would makes thing a lot interesting in my opinion, if there was a high population community. What I don't understand is, how clans/players re-join a server that has wiped when they've worked weeks/months for their items and enchanting them, just why do you re-joins as the server has fucked you over? I guess if NCSoft will ever release Lineage Eternal (Lineage 3) (wouldn't get my hopes up) would be the only way to save the Lineage 2 Community. That's my opinion anyway.
  5. Yeah sorry, it's been a while since I played Freya. What about Talisman's?
  6. Are there elements on the server?
  7. - Server Version: Lineage 2 Interlude. - Server Start Date: April 26th, 2014. - Instant 80 level! - Safe Enchant: +7 - Maximum Enchant: +30 - Maximum Enchant from Event/Vote/Donate: +35 - Enchant Chance: 85% - Blessed Enchant Chance: 90% - Crystal Scroll Enchant Chance: 95% - After failed enchantment with Blessed/Crystal/Special scroll the enchant value of the item becomes +7. - Auto Loot: Enabled - Auto Loot Raid: Disabled - Auto Learn Skills: Enabled - Weight Limit: Disabled - Max Subclasses: 3 subclasses per character - Subclass Without Quest: Enabled - Increased movement speed on all classes and pets! - All classes have boosted HP! - Buff Slot: 76 - Buff Time: about 5 hours - Mana Potion: 1000 mana restore with 1s delay - Buffs will not disappear after dying, also your CP/HP/MP wil be fully restored. - Debuff - 8-10 sec random time. - Stun & Bluff - 4-6 sec random time. - Paralyze - 4-6 sec random time. - Root & Sleep - 4-6 sec random time. - All Mutes - 4-6 sec random time. - Fear - 2-4 sec random time. - Confusion - 2-4 sec random time. - Betray - 4-6 sec random time. - Toggle skills don't cost mana outside olympiad. - Toggle skills don't disappear after death & teleport. - Shows skill chances on your current target (calculates resists and vulns) or return drain message to the caster. - Weapons - Icarus Weapons (Same status like Demonic) Demonic Weapons (Same status like Icarus) Dusk Weapons (Best server weapons) - Armors - Dynasty Armors (Same status like Epic) Epic Armors (Same status like Dynasty) Glory Days Armors (Best server armors) - Tattoos - Mage Tattoo Warrior Tattoo - Other - Accessories - First way - Crafting Dusk Weapons, Shields and Glory Days Armors at a Craft Manager (You don't need a warsmith), every mob drops Materials and Recipes. - Second Way - Killing bosses for Dusk Weapons, Shields and Glory Days Armors. - Third way - Buying Dusk Weapons, Shields and Glory Days Armors from our Donations Manager. - Removed Chance skills and all unused augments. - Top-Grade Life Stone Skill chance is 17%. - No limit on active augmentation skills! - Augments are balanced and some of them have better reuse time. - Every character in his inventory will have this item. - You can open it by pressing only one time. - Functions - - Shows how many players are online, online record and after how much days server started. - You can see how many mobs you've killed, bosses killed with a clan, your deaths/pvps/pks. - War Legend statistic. - You can Bind/Unbind Account to HWID. - Buff/Personal Message/Trade Request/Party Invite/Kill System protections. - Customize your title, normal or pvp/pk. - Shift + Click on character or yourself. - Shows even if character is offline. - Every hour the player with the most PVP Kills in past hour becomes War Legend. - War Legend has special effect. - War Legend gets rewarded for the most number of PVP Kills in past hour. - War Legend statistics are in the CCP item. (Item is in your inventory) - Olympiad Battles time - from 18:00 to 00:00 (GMT +2). - Olympiad Period - 1 week. - Olympiad Feed Protection: You can't fight each other from the Same IP/HWID. - Goddard Castle Siege every 1 week Sunday 18:00 (GMT+2). - GM held events will be done every 2-3 days. - Custom Cancellation System - When you get cancel, cancelled buffs will be restored after 10 seconds. So you don't need to rebuff. In olympiad Custom Cancellation System doesn't work. - Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles). - Tanks, Titants, Tyrants have disabled bow equipment outside olympiad. - Anti-Farm Protection: You don't get PvP points from the Same IP/HWID. - Unique killing spree system with sounds that you all know and love. - Unique Raid Boss announcement. - Boss anti-take away system. - No Heal and Buffs at Raids. - When you log in, the server checks your last log in, if more than a hour has passed since then you will be teleported to town to avoid campers. - Player spawn protection - 30 seconds - /unstuck - 15 seconds - Offline shop [add your shop and exit] - Offline Trade: Max 5 days - PVP Name Color Changes. - Shift-click Mobs and view their Droplist. - Champion mob system. - Anti-Heavy system is on outside olympiad. - No Grade Penalty. - Clan system. - Geodata. - VIP system. - Protection against third party software(PHX, L2NET, etc.). And much more... http://www.l2halo.com
  8. 500x, I miss High Rate C4 servers
  9. Hello, The title says it all, my friend is wants to start his own server up. Interlude Client 300x Pvp farm. Custom with high stats I know this isn't much but the we are in discussion for more. We are looking for someone with experience and knows what he is doing. The server owner is willing to pay the developer for his work. Our Skype are: dino-fritz and sergosergo613 (server owner)
  10. Is their attritubes on the server?
  11. When I click download patch, nothing downloads.
  12. Easy farming for gear?
  13. Hello, I'm looking for a interlude pvp server with many people on to kill :), rates over 1000x please, prefer non custom armors or weaps but not to fussy, pvp balance, no faction servers please.
  14. I'll test it out :)
  15. Hey, though I'd give this site a go and check out some servers and some tricks and tips :P. Used to play L2 a long time ago, servers such as L2 Light, Godz and Kane and Able, I was known as Blitz or Blitzy :)
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