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About diablodark

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  1. Thanks , its ok ill try find it out , didnt want to put u in more trouble :)
  2. i added a test line is that ok? It did work with test line
  3. then should i try and edit l2.ini and test if it will recheck about corruptions?
  4. with notepad? they are chinese characters
  5. la2dreams as example or l2g-hybrid as i tried these days they block the interface.
  6. Hello , i would like to bypass servers with updaters . Need a way to bypass corrupted files and make interface work. Any suggestions? Any1 knows sth to help me out? Thanks in advance guys!
  7. yes i know but havent found any good guide, or example cannot install on eclipse the files
  8. Hello , i would like to help me in setting up a interlude server, if any1 can provide me a detail guide, include any pack of interlude , preferable l2gold. Im newbie just want to play a bit with database to have some fun. I will really appreciate if any1 could help me ;) Thanks in advance!
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