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AC BlackIllusioN

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About AC BlackIllusioN

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    In Jail

AC BlackIllusioN's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. which of ur 4 servers open today?
  2. hope it gets enough ppl to live at least a month, long time no play any faction
  3. he wont be useless if these are the changes, his gang now depends on his R or double Q on enemy with these changes he can farm faster in jungle and do a better gang at lvl 3 rather than just farming till hit lvl 6
  4. eixa kairo na mpw maxcheaters, prepei na to sinithisw
  5. re gia tn chyba itan, apla emina stn 1h page dn eida oti sinexizotan... hehe
  6. Hallow! My name es Jose. Me coming from Hispania, me has uno dream - 1v1 versas mr Carlos or Ocelote! I sold my doter+ woman for internat and me want 1v1 him plis halp mi for my dream come true! No copy pasta please.
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