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Everything posted by UnleashedMx

  1. The server looks kinda good, but my experience was not what i expected. *main page says 150+ online "ok let's try" *log in, notice giran vandalized with troll shops *just 2 greeks talking no sense *no1 else around *proceed to log out.
  2. i'm an old player ... 9 years is old enough? .... anyways i've tested every class with all the top armors enchanted and saw the stats, skills delays, skills effects and armor stats (i know how to play every class btw), i've already figured out what you actually pretend to do, however you missed several things while doing your balance stuff. also you forgot an important marketing aspect which is the innovation period Interlude actually had ... and that was like 5 years ago. But considering that you look really stubborn, i would just recommend to make aback up plan that may or may not save your server.
  3. this server would be actually good with all it's features if you get rid of your class balance obsession. such thing can't be reached unless you totally destroy the game experience l2 players are used to get and such thing is not profitable with the actual L2 population, specially on this forums with shitty greeks. the armors look ok, but then again, i still don't understand why people just don't simply use GoD armors textures since Apella and Draconic are so 2009. make an slight change, get rid of these fugly tattoos, get the buff back to normal and nerf the armors a bit. the class balance thing you're doing is not gonna work, i can tell you in advance ... just get a balance L2sublimity kinda and you're good to go.
  4. uhmm for me looks like the server offers the same crap that many other BR servers do. also +25? .... get it to +12 and maybe it can look interesting.
  5. actually as a main AW, thats incredibly beneficial for me, why do you think Aw's start to pop out on further chronicles :D.
  6. i tested everything with the tokens you gave me to test the top gear ;P daggers, archers, tyrant, EE, Bishop and Nukers... with top armors +13 and all the tattoos ;D i knew in advance what you did to daggers ... and trust me i know how to deal with either configuration and tried different setups to see your formulas.
  7. i'd recommend you to take a serious look on the classes ^^. i know the server is full customized and such, but even with superduper top gear and the healers i tested are rather useless, considering they heal by 400 with a reuse time of 30 secs and a dagger damage output reaches the 2/3k per blow and same with archer and mages. the areas are cool for pvp, there's a lot of features that look actually interesting and the gear is neat to the point i actually thought most of your server is really well done. just for the love of god delete that flame thingie that pops out when you have gear +13 and look again at your classes ... perhaps the place would be even better if you only made all classes back to retail. .... just my thought ...
  8. also i noticed that when someone just sells Epic jewels on their shops, kill that source of pvp...... also people never understands that a wise admin mixes a referral system with their vote one so think about it .... the pvp experience over there is not pleasant at all but how could you know if people doesn't have a place to go and speak their minds lol. the forums are so basic.....
  9. ye i noticed that since i was trying to see what was going on in Versuvio's forums lol. but to tell the truth the server wasn't bad at all.
  10. not bad but not good, the community seems ok .. kinda low but when it comes to pvp it kinda sucked due all the nonsensical stuff .. perhaps i would even dare to say that the server would be better if your max enchants were around +10/+12 and modify the tattoo.. just sayin..... idk but didn't want to log anymore :LOL: don't you even have forums? >_> ... i mean really?
  11. i kinda want, perhaps will do, despite i feel strongly bothered by that nonsensical glow thingie >_>
  12. i'm not playing here for the moment, but wow, finally seems like someone understood how to make a decent referral system -_____- i've been feeling tired trying to explain marketing to socially awkward nerds >_>
  13. already took a look at the server .... it certainly feels different ;0 .... not too shabby though... despite of counter lasting 5 seconds with a huge delay.. idk if its because of the gear or woot. the areas look decent and the gear is not bad at all, i guess i would have to try and pvp with someone else to be accurate. anyways, feels good, some minor details but a good server indeed :)
  14. sort of want :not bad: downloading the patch just to make sure anyways...
  15. the place looks great but as soon as i tried to figure out what to click my mind got full of f*ck ... to bad i don't understand Chinese ;(
  16. any ETA or whatever? :good sir:
  17. actually looks interesting O.o ... i will give it a try for sure, since every interlude server has failed me so far...
  18. i might take a looksie to see how is it going :) since trigger has gone to shit i guess this place sounds like a good choice hehe.
  19. sigh.... why all the server owners are so marketing illiterate U__u l2trigger's main failure as most of the servers is that no1 seems to care on having an PR person.. most of the servers are owned by socially awkward nerds, which means they are not even close to be good at giving fast answers to the hot topics on their forums when shit goes down, or even give fast updates or even talk with the people in a period less of 10 mins. the features are just the same as the old Sublimity but with TC instead of recipes, the chaotic area was not well planned and despite of attracting around 1800 people, a bad marketing and live support strategies drove the server to a dramatic drop on it's population. regardless of that, when it comes to the marketing point of view the only good solution they actually had was not a wipe but an aggressive strategy to attract people; changing the core features and offering a new PvP/PvE system. simple changes such as change the titanium sets textures, adding a PvP reward system (as Opal once did) plus a functional referral system (because the votes one is already outdated) , would help any server around. ~Marketing advisor
  20. :/ lately i've spotted few some that gave me high expectations and failed, some others that are about to launch like Nostalgia which rates are too low for my needs (perhaps i will try it anyways). atm i'm yet to find a private mid rates server that has a decent online and decent features/stability. L2trigger ain't bad at all after they solved some shit but i'm afraid the old L2 feeling is something that has gone forever U_u
  21. So according to the community which servers can be considered as the best ones either active or about to launch?
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