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About IbiseK

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  1. Hello guys, I have problem with some server. I need virus or some .. to do ddos attack server on FreeBSD. Who can help ' : ) I waitting on ur idea ; ) ,
  2. Hello I sell the best site to L2. If u want buy some www write PM to me on this forum. I can cut this site, code and do some scripts for u ; ) More info on PM
  3. OMG fu... bullsh.1t - he copy my site...... www.l2phoenix.ro - no my work . .. . Some words to admin phoenix: I would like to inform you about the fact that Your website is illegaly placed (copied) without a proper licence concerning authors rights. Corrector W3C has showed that both sites are the same. It can be stated trough the code which is identical. I want to inform You that if you will not remove this site in 24 hours from the time when this message will arrive to You we will be made to inform proper authorities and there will be criminal proceedings pointed at You (on the base of articles concernong this kind of cases). www.l2-aria.com.pl ; ))
  4. New WebSite CHECK THIS ! ; DD
  5. Yes basic + Subclass.
  6. L2 Aria Interlude server tonight at 22:00 open new server middle rate x45,we invite all interesed. ON test it will be x5000 and for 7 days it will start to work on 45x. Here is some info when server start to work Normal Rates : Exp: 45x SP: 45x Adena: 100x Spoil & Drop: 5x Seal Stones: x5 Enchats : Safe: +3 Max Weapon: +20 - ( We are discuss about it) Max Armor and Jewelery: + 10 Chance : Weapon: 50% Armor: 33% Main town will be Giran. Buffs will have limmit, 24 slot buff so players wont be overpowered like u dont like to see at middle rates servers. When u are Pk there is chance to drop ur items of course. In GM Shop u will have to buy to A Grade items,for S grade Raiding/Crafting/ Also AA System work,Olympiad,Heros Every 1 month,No Boting at olympiad. We have Active GM almost 15+ hours per day who answer and help to anyone who ask for it. Pvp Area/ Maybe - Exp Area. Also For Special Jewels, u'll have to kill raid. Valakas,Antharas,Baium,Zaken,Queen Ant. There will be hard to get skill from augmentation, we will also put drop for LS only to raids or they will be given on event. Hope u are looking for something like this,so u can join us. Our Website is www.L2Aria.com We are waiting for u guys :)
  7. www.l2aria.com Bartz - 3000x Stay 5 months. Sieghartd - Beta Test - StackSub 1+1 rate x45
  8. I am looking for developer, I am owner of L2Aria server - www.l2aria.com (Interlude client) I have dedicated machine and +/- 130 players online. We have been running our server for 3 months but I am not able to fix some really hard bugs to repair. Now we are running our server on l2 nightly interlude files. In our team we have one Canadian and 3 ppl from Poland. We are looking for somebody with good java programming skills. Contact: v1ncv3ga@hotmail.com
  9. Oh it's ok but who do drop only on spoil ^^?
  10. Now is better ! Join and check ;)
  11. www.l2aria.com but +150 online ; p
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