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  1. I played on L2G-Oldschool too and my char was deleted so i think there was wipe...
  2. Very nice server. Fuck donators. If you get dusk weap you can pwn them. I hope the apella and dynasty armors will not come to serv. That will make server unbalanced. And thanks Apithanos. You save me a day for searching good server :) I joined already
  3. Good server, good pvps (party vs party), only more people need to come and it'll be perfect!
  4. and enchant rate is?
  5. ye somethink must be wrong... :S
  6. and about community?
  7. Are you kidding.. Donation for active/passive skills? oO c-c-c-c
  8. And how can i join a server? I can't find patch.. :S
  9. I think this don't work on this new l2 forever ( interlude) ..
  10. I like the server but too much lag for normal pvp :S
  11. This donations really sux for 10x server :S
  12. So server started august 08? how many people on?
  13. I think for this server.. If i can buy it in any shop or must go kill mobs for it.. (i'm not sure if mobs drop materials on this serv)
  14. Can someone tell me how can i get strider? Where can i get materials like coal, charcoal, silver nugget etc...?
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