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  1. All ok, fast delivery.
  2. Up, some adena sold
  3. Adena High stock - 0.3 USD/B Items: Ruby 5 - 100 USD Emerald 5 - 100 USD Dark Leather Set +10 - 200 USD R99 dark bow +16 3SA Sigel - 360 USD Radiant Warrior Circlet +5 - 450 USD Top Dragon Shirt +5 - 450 USD Blessed Antharas - 90 USD Blessed Valakas - 100 USD Lindvior - 100 USD Discounts when buying more items. Skrill, trusted members PayPal.
  4. aq, kelbim bought thx Sellers and Friends lf adena, 4s brooch
  5. Set bought. Still lf AQ 4s brooch Kelbim DD Now i can pay via Skrill, only trusted members
  6. Tezza bought, added wtb 4s brooch
  7. thx Sellers and Friends for trade
  8. Items 4s brooch Life Stone Instilled with Giant's Power Kelbim DD AQ soul / AQ normal +6 r99 light set / +8 r95 la / +8 bless tw la normal baium Hunter talisman Beleth Istina neck wizz Tezza soul Adena 1b = 17 USD Skrill, Paypal PM price, no scammers
  9. if u have tw la +8 set/r95 la +8 set you can contact me too
  10. wtb parts also
  11. Naia server, pm price in adena
  12. Since i have some problems in real life im selling mine character on Core. Offer to pm Aeore Cardinal 99 / Dark elf wynn 98 Augments - clarity, stealth, PR, recall, no reflect name change, gender change ticket in wh r95 robe set +3 3x120 R cutter health pdef/mdef hat mental attack coc earring stun coc earring Freya +3 2x Seraph rings +4 top grade twilight def belt eternal sigil +5 eva's shirt yellow talisman talisman abundance physique +10wit /-2men +5con/-4str 4slot brooch diamond 3 sapphire 2 obsidian 3 pearl 3 ruby 2 opal 3 Account can be sold naked (with non-tradeable items)
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