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Everything posted by skaraveos

  1. tell me your suggestions what server you schoose bnb or e-global and why
  2. omg max 500? boring .. :D I will try it
  3. umm the page is not so good..
  4. PyroMaker do smth pls with the epic it is veeeery difficult to take ..
  5. http://dark-angels.freehostia.com good community but the server is a bit new bit it has 50+ and I say it has a lot of pvps!!
  6. how safe is the weapon going in the server and how %?
  7. something more simple because I am a little newbie? ty
  8. I tested it on a x2 server it works :D
  9. nice exploit iwill try it!!!:D
  10. 20072.. that means 80 years old it is good enough :P
  11. pooo afta einai 1st i java den to perimena
  12. mm kitakse tin imeromenia tou video ..den einai kainourio an thelete ena oreo video kitakste edw ena olokliro party kseftilizete (eimoun kai egw stin ally)server=e-global
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