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Everything posted by Backside540

  1. Haha, retard. Ever heard about credits? I respect people who write and share software for free. Kids like you should not even be visiting forums like these. Man, pff!
  2. Hi guys, Once again, I have a free webdesign. Some guy asked me to make a design for a private HRS server, and when the website was done he stopped the project. I have a live example of the template online at: http://www.serialkey.nl/ (that is a domain of mine, no worries) News can be edited without a HTML editor, no mySQL database needed! Let me know if you are interrested. Take care, BS540
  3. Thanks for the feedback you all... The template is being used by a L2J server "X-Ordinairy" it still need some work though... ;) My latest project: http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/2278/kozuc6.jpg Edit: Spelling is not ok, I know.. :)
  4. This script can be used at servers who are using the "Mana Drug" which is a potion for your MP which works like a HP potion. At Lineage2Glory the potion will last 20 seconds so my delay will be 19999, you can edit this yourself... LABEL(check) CHARSTATUS(MP,<,90) { CALL(potion) } DELAY(500) CALL(check) LABEL(potion) USEITEM(Mana Drug[iD=726]) DELAY(19999) CALL(check) Grtz, BS540
  5. [Hidden post: You need 50 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it. You currently have 34.] Interesting, can someone send me this post by PM? -BS540
  6. It is huge, thats for sure! Kinda complicated webpage...
  7. @ Stickhead Yeah www.ivory-tower.de, also very usefull indeed... Very nice share, keep it up! -BS540
  8. Off-Topic maybe? Haha, quite funny though...
  9. I still have: 17*Dragonic Bow 10*Forever Wrath 9*Forever Blade 8*Forever Staff Although I don't even play at Lineage2Forever anymore...
  10. Nice share, really usefull. -BS540
  11. Can you explain why. I mean, these guys are not selling enchants... I can't see what's so different from the other servers donations...
  12. What's wrong with Lineage2Glory's donations, you think they are to cheap?
  13. Here you go: Adena.txt
  14. I'm looking for adena.txt, someone willing to share it with me? -BS540 L2PacketHack 3.1.6 English Translation http://rapidshare.com/files/50942396/L2PHX.rar
  15. "We are sorry, but all downloading slots for your country are busy." It has been like that for some time... Someone got an other mirror? Edit: I got the file, for others who had problems with this mirror I uploaded it to RapidShare, have fun! http://rapidshare.com/files/50942396/L2PHX.rar Password: maxcheaters
  16. Again sorry for the doublepost, but I really could use some help here... I'm running Windows Server 2003 / SQL Server 2000. I've used the RagezoneC4 files and I get the following error when running Auth.exe: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/56/authiw4.jpg Seems like my whole database is corrupt... I already got a developer to look at it, he told me to get new server files and these were out of date. -BS540 SOLVED
  17. Lineage2Glory - Full C4 - GM-Shop for classchange items / manadrugs and craftstamps - Experience-rate 10x - Walker allowed (No AFK bots) - No NPC buffers - Modified Artifact / Kamael gear - All other C4 features are working Kamael armor screenshots: http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/8550/shot00003ep6.jpg http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/4681/shot00007vc2.jpg http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/5923/shot00005ei8.jpg Hardware: - Dual Core Xeon 2.6 - 8GB Ram - 2x Western Digital Raptor 10000RPM hard-drives This server opened his doors a week ago, its a nice low-rate PVP server and already has 300 registered accounts. Ok you do not see that much people ingame. But I'm planning on playing here for a while. See you guys ingame! -BS540
  18. Scripts are not ok, can someone upload those DBScripts again please? My bad, all fixed.. -BS540
  19. Lineage2Glory is having trouble with their webbox, but here are some temporaily links. Register: http://l2reg.sytes.net/register.php Patch: http://files.filefront.com/Glory+Patch+19+8+All+in+Oerar/;8359430;;/fileinfo.html
  20. Very nice tool, I love it...!
  21. LABEL(CHECKDEAD) CHARSTATUS(HP,==,0) DELAY(1000) GOHOME() CALL(CHECKDEAD) I did not tested this script, but it should work. If not, replace "==" for "<=". -BS540
  22. Lineage2Glory's website is down at the moment, they say it will take 2/3 more days before it will be up again.. Lineage2Glory is a low-rate PVP-server, it has the costom NPC's, one hour buffs ect.. Password: maxcheaters
  23. IG/OG Walker for Lineage2Glory Mirror 1 - RapidShare Password: maxcheaters For those who modify their own Walker: Options.ini Set.ini Have fun, Backside540
  24. Supreme-L2: http://www.supremel2.com/ Lineage ][ Vendetta: http://www.l2-vendetta.com/site.php I think Supreme-L2's website is the best I've ever seen...
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