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Everything posted by Backside540

  1. Yes sure, now it is not being used... I'd love to see someone use it.. :)
  2. This is the 2nd time I post the link, sorry tho... BS540
  3. I would love to help you with a webdesign, seems like your server is missing one.. :-X Preview: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/5874/2eprevlc1.jpg (All in .HTML and .PSD)
  4. Hi Bastards! Due a failed project "L2Elysium" I can offer you guys a nice webdesign. If you are interrested send me a PM, add me at MSN or send an email at mx_paul at hotmail dot com. Dont wait to long, I will only give the template to one person so it stays unique... Preview: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/5874/2eprevlc1.jpg (All in .HTML and .PSD) Grtz, BS540
  5. (CP Potion[iD=5591]) (Greater CP Potion[iD=5592]) Good luck, I dont think walker supports CP Potions..
  6. Tell me, where can I get that Storm Pack and what are the advantages?
  7. Note: Sorry for the double post... Could someone upload for me the following files, they are missing in my C4 server files: lin2world_20040609_all.sql lin2comm_new.sql lin2log_20040416.sql lin2report_20040416.sql lin2db_AuthDBSchema.sql lin2db_update.sql Thanks in advance, BS540
  8. Nice guide, very usefull... Thanks, BS540
  9. Maybe a stupid question, but can you use IG-walker 1.78 in C3/C4/C5? Cos mine is not working with l2.asrv 0.51 and I'm playing a C4 server...
  10. I'm using a script in my in-game walker to autmate the useage of mana potions.. LABEL(check) CHARSTATUS(MP,<,75) { USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728]) } DELAY(1000) CALL(check) Now I was wondering, does some1 have a script like this one to do the same think with CP potions, is it possible? Since CHARSTATUS(CP,<,75) does not work... Thanks, BS540
  11. Does some1 have a PHP-script which could print all username's and hashed passwords in pages, like 60 in each page so you could scroll trough them? Thanks, BS540 Edit: Maybe this should be moved to the DEV section, sorry!
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