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Everything posted by doumbe

  1. selling adena on Ramona stock : 62b stock : 30b stock : 12b price 10e/1b pm here or skype accepting only paypal!!
  2. i vouch him he is trusted and helpfull!!! thanks mate
  3. Wtb adena pm your offers need 150kk Wtb Prophet 58+ and BD55+ pm your lvl+price (i buy both chars naked but all skills must be learned)
  4. sold !!
  5. selling Adena Core EU 1b=9e or trade for adena on skelth stock : 9b skype : giw.dou
  6. main Sigel Eva's Templar 99lvl 27% +8 ability point dual Iss Enchanter Hierophant 99lvl +6 ability point 1st sub 80lvl Saggitarius 2nd sub 80 lvl Doomcryer main has +10 time UD and +11 party UD ! Also there are 127 immortal scrolls Items 1. +6 Eternal heavy Set Defence type 3x120 2. +3 Amaranthine Cutter Body/Fury stage5 both 300attribute 3. +3 Ant Queen Soul 4. +5 Baium Soul Ring 5. +3 Fintezza's Soul Necklace 6. +5 Blessed Zaken's Earring 7. +4 Top-grade Resistance Earring - Stun 8. Desire Talisman 9.+3 Party hat Con + Critical Rate 10. Mysterious Sword acumen with active reflect augment 11. +4 Special Magic Ornament Eternal Belt PvP Defence Dyes Lv.5 Legendary Con Dye Con+5 Str+1 3x10 Other items Birthday Vitality Potion x3 4hour each Erupting Vitality XP Potion x19 1hour xp 100% Vitality Maintaining Potion x19 Xp Rune III lv.1-100+ 200% Pack 7days Sp Rune 200% Pack 7days Drop Rate Rune 200% 7days Agathion - Joon Pack 30days La Vie En Rose's Noble Brooch 3slot Accept only Paypal Skype : giw.dou or pm here
  7. trusted and fast seller!!! +++
  8. r99 robe set+8 / physical reflect shirt +7 / low grade magic ornament Seraph belt pvp defence +3 / r95 blessed specter buster body/hp acumen +4 stage5 300water / venir's talisman stage 11 / hellfire talisman / outlaw talisman / twilight sigil +8 / angel circlet 5% p.def / orfen's soul earring +5 int+1 augment / blessed zaken earring +3 498 m.attack augment / blessed freya necklace +3 m.accuracy+2 augment / istina's ring wizard +4 max HP+266,HP recovery +8 / special dark resistance ring +3 / la vie en rose's brilliant brooch 4 slot / emerald lv3 / diamond lv3 / obsidian lv3 / sapphire lv2 / lv3 legendary WIT dye wit+4 cha+3 / lv4 giant's CON dye con+5 str-2 / lv4 ancient CON dye con +5 str-2 dark resistance +20 / +4blessed apocalypse retributer empower/acumen stage5 Skills are +5 to 10 for more info contact me - skype : giw.dou or private here
  9. update cleric 35lvl 10% = 22€ shilien oracle 31lvl 30% =14€ Both chars got equip knownledge set / devotion set jewels and top no grade staffs adena : 1.7kk = 10 SOLD
  10. cleric 34lvl 45% = 20€ shilien oracle 30lvl 10% =13€ Both chars got equip knownledge set / devotion set jewels and top no grade staffs adena : 1.7kk = 10
  11. trusted and fast seller.. +1
  12. new price 40
  13. new price for all 50e!!!
  14. Adena : 80kkk stock Items : Bless zaken earring Bless Freya necklace Vorpal Robe set x2 3x120 attribute +6 all parts Veniplant Swords x2 acumen 300dark/300water +6 both top belt pvp defence +6 Chars : Spectral Master full skills x3 subs Elemental Master full skills x3 subs and ALL classes 85 main class and 85/85/85 3 subs + Nobless for more info contact me at skype giw.dou SOLD
  15. price for all is 60euro!!
  16. items : Vesper Noble Masterwork Robe set Tunic+9 Stocking+8 Circlet/Shoes/Gloves+7 Shield+6+MW Rising star acumen+4 (passive clarity) Frintzza necklace Vorpal light set +6 3x120 atribute all parts vesper bow foundation +7 300atribute mithril Belt pvp attack the set has some atributes. Tunic is 3x 120 and other parts 3x60 also have 130 Donation Coins and 5kkk adena and 650kk Ancient Adena! Quests for Baium/Antharas/Valakas are done!! if any1 interesting to play Dominator with these items 3x sub 80/80/85 +15-+26 skills and PvP armor price is negotiable (char + the items i already wrote)!! contact me skype: giw.dou
  17. server merge with cartel today!! so it has new life!! i am waiting offers
  18. so tell me your price
  19. New price 100€
  20. items : Vesper Noble Masterwork Robe set Tunic+9 Stocking+8 Circlet/Shoes/Gloves+7 Shield+6+MW Rising star acumen+4 (passive clarity) the set has some atributes. Tunic is 3x 120 and other parts 3x60 also have 130 Donation Coins and 5kkk adena and 650kk Ancient Adena! Quests for Baium/Antharas/Valakas are done!! if any1 interesting to play Dominator with these items 3x sub 80/80/85 +15-+26 skills and PvP armor price is 130 € (char + the items i already wrote)!!
  21. kalispera..endiaferome egw..kane me add sto skype gia na milisoume.. giw.dou einai to sjype mou
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