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  1. again old stuff, copy/paste , in theory it could be still working, but it takes too much time to set up a sell shop. and i will not take the risk.
  2. it really works, TWO YEARS AGO, why keep posting old stuff like this ?
  3. i did not found anything exactly about this searching, so i know everybody says that l2hpx can not do anything special especially on l2off servers, but i kind found a bug with a GMSHOP , and i was trying to do a request buy item, but it does not work, because the list id( object id) always change every time that i buy the same item so i can't know exacly the list id to do a resquest buy item :\ for example: 1F 44 D4 74 D8 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00 1F 44 C8 79 DB 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00 1F 44 34 3E D7 01 00 00 00 6D 0F 00 00 01 00 00 00 this is a packet to buy Blessed Spiritshot: C Grade at mr . cat GMSHOP( **yeah this gm shop isn't supposed to sell any item just for change 2nd and 3rd jobs, but i found a way to open a shop with an action and (Command: menu_select) from another trader NPC and then i can buy some crafted items**) 3 times that i tried to buy it has changed. my question is if is possible to know the right numbers of the next List Id, or not ? i tried to do some math's but i did not figured out by my self. sorry for my bad english, i will study harder i promisse ;D thnx.
  4. why hlapex instead of l2phx ? i don't get it.
  5. works perfectly on kosglad, but a lot of ppl is already doing it :\
  6. of course. does somebody know another good place to try this, stairs doesn't work for me
  7. can anyone make it still work on c4 ? i always get size error, i tried to ren *.exe but this don't solve the problem anymore.
  8. www.kosglad.com.br 50x BR server 2k players online.
  9. don't work anymore but it still a good way to find bugs on private servers.
  10. it's usefull to learn skills at least, it's less boring than clicking to learn it mannualy. i need translation for l2phx 3.1.8 .
  11. BAKEICE is uncrackeable until now, i tried everything that i know, even IDA can't open it right, or w32dasm.. lets wait for the russians do something about it . / eu jogo no revolution tambem usam bake ice, sobrou so o kosglad que funfa tudo ;D /
  12. does it works on interlude ?
  13. hlapex tracks the l2.exe, so u can't revert the order , i think!
  14. i believe the server make some verifications from the requester, if his is able to learn it(class , lvl , SP ...), so how can u guys can learn other classes skills ? l2j maybe ? i can't do anything usefull on l2off. ;(
  15. zl4y3r , can u upload a link with ig 1.47 ? all the links that i found was broken. i really need this.
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