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Everything posted by NwaY

  1. for some reason i can't upload the pictures so i just post the links :p (just click on the links)
  2. Im selling my LoL account. it is s3 gold Skins ( 55.000 RP = 295,69 euro ) , Champions ( 85.835 RP = 461,48 euro ) (ofcourse is this not the price i'm selling it :p for the price pm me) - Skins : Ultimate = Pulsefire Ezreal - Spirit Guard Udyr : Legendary / semi = Blackfrost Anivia - Aether Wing Kayle - Battlcast Prime Cho'Gath - Brolaf - Astronaut teemo - Lion Dance Kog'Maw - Soul Reaver Draven - Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV - Debonair Jayce : Skins 975 RP = Arclight Varus - Battle Bunny Riven - Battleborn Kayle - Dragonslayer vayne - Fisherman Fizz - Frostfire Annie - Frozen Terror Nocturne - Gragas, Esq. - Ionia Master Yi - Mad Scientist Ziggs - Mafia Graves - Nemesis Jax - Overlord Malzahar - Pentakill Yorick - Queen Ashe - Secret Agent Miss Fortune - Shockblade Zed - Steel Legion Lux - Viscero Xin Zhao - Warlord Shen - Little Knight Amumu : Skins 750 RP = Mad Scientist Singed - Viking Tryndamere : Skins 520 RP = Aristocrat Vayne - Bilgerat Rumble - Bird of Prey Anivia - Boom Boom Blitzcrank - Commando Xin Zhao - Forsaken Olaf - French Maid Nidalee - Frosted Ezreal - Hired Gun Graves some pictures: champs and runes <a href="http://imgur.com/qerlyqH"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/qerlyqH.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/ZPOGt1I"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZPOGt1I.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/FpOMeBU"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/FpOMeBU.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/M6vOLyj"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/M6vOLyj.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/AJ43fLq"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/AJ43fLq.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> <a href="http://imgur.com/g1NWjUr"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/g1NWjUr.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a> For more info pm me
  3. still looking? i have an euw account
  4. NwaY

    [Share] LOIC V2

    can some1 answer me i'm noob at this but when i donwloaded it , my anti-virus said it is an virus i know the ant-virus always say's that with hacking tools but i'm scarred this is a real virus with a keylogger and his going to steal my personal information. can somebody check it if it contains a keylogger or something? -ps sry for my bad english
  5. NwaY

    [Share] LOIC V2

    this is a trojan?
  6. ty nice guide
  7. Dat pony :not bad:
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