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Everything posted by MrHotFire

  1. hahahahah...mono i Rosalie einai sovari edw. hahaha...ty Rosi.;) :dat: :alone:
  2. I tested it first and after that I buyed it.:p No copy...etc...
  3. Really awesome server! I am gonna test it for sure! Gl rabbit!
  4. Dude you should correct your 'post' and include informations and about the economy...balance...etc....
  5. Tha to agoraze afto kaneis plaka plaka?
  6. Afta pu vrika einai lg prostixa.... Gia afto gia na min me kaneis dekarma pali nomizo afto tha su arese. http://www.google.gr/imgres?um=1&hl=el&newwindow=1&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=yJZ0sGuW8d8nbM:&imgrefurl=http://www.funnyjunk.com/comment/anonymous/content/4273557/-5/1/parent_id/20/4&docid=SzdvfwicRWVosM&imgurl=http://static4.fjcdn.com/comments/So%252Bthe%252Bfinally%252Bfound%252BOP%252Bs%252Bdildo%252Bstash%252B_6e5396467de66bd27606ea2785342616.png&w=398&h=285&ei=UWHbUNaZDoLL4AT50IG4Bw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=447&sig=116534121005720083445&page=2&tbnh=133&tbnw=186&start=15&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:27,s:0,i:171&tx=87&ty=77&biw=1024&bih=597
  7. Miso na vro kana anime video na deis.
  8. ahhahaha...exume idi esena gia afto.:*
  9. Re paides epeidi den 3ero gia proteinete ti na katso na ftia3o gia to L2??? Gia na to puliso safos. Peite mu apo npc's....mexri tin kathe mlkia pu tha agorazate.(min peite kamia real mlkia:p) :troll: :happyforever: ty
  10. Trusted and skilled.I just tested it. Excellent files!
  11. Sticky afto to pragma??? hahahahah....lolz.... Ante na skefto kai egw tpt tetio na mun to kanete sticky. muxaxaxa....:p :happyforever:
  12. hahahahah...Fasi eixe alla den mu aresi pia.
  13. hahahahah.....lolz... Seems promising.Gl dude.;) :happyforever:
  14. ahhahahahaha....isos pio meta na pame.
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