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Everything posted by MrHotFire

  1. Mboreite na mu peite kana kalo collegio gia edw Athina kai ena gia Agglia,Londino?(Pliroforikis) Kai an mboreite na vreite ligo kai tis times.Egw vrika 1-2 kai pira kai kapia tilefona alla varethika.:p Thanks opios voithisi.
  2. :rage: :not bad: :alone: :happyforever: :good sir: :troll:
  3. Yes yes yes.True.I was talking about the 85% of your likes taht you collected.
  4. True but the likes that you get are few.(20 likes to 260 likes per post). Anyway check your PM'S. Thanks.
  5. Iparxei kana site pu na me plironi gia tis diafimisis tis sto site mu oxi apo ta clicks alla apo tis episkepsis? An einai peite mu kai gia ta click kai gia ta visits an exete tpt kai thelete. Thanks! :happyforever: :alone:
  6. He prefer mostly Greek pages but he's also ok with other pages.(pages with activity).
  7. +1 apo emena an tha einai etsi opos les.
  8. Ame.Gia proto share einai kati parapano apo coble.
  9. Mono etsi dineis esi karma?:p Anyway opos eipa kalos o odigos alla tu leipun kati pragmata.
  10. Kalo alla oxi e3aisio. Theli duleia akomi. Sinexise esti kai tha antamifthis!
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