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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. XD thx it worked with me
  2. XD nice i need this alot
  3. i've seen that before just cant find it anymore.
  4. cool =O
  5. awsome
  6. testing it
  7. nice. i think i wont lose all my money again on teleports :P
  8. lol nice one. good share
  9. hmm but i've readed somewhere that if u stay fishing at the same spot for a long time the rate of geting a fish will be decreased:S do u know any script to make it work 100%?
  10. omg i've been looking for this for so long.it is usefull tho. imagine for subclass u set bot to only hit baium and when baium spawns ur in ;D
  11. good share.;)
  12. nop i need it too :S
  13. I am looking for those scripts to auto make ur class change. would be nice to get a collection of those in here for evry1:P hf
  14. Lol it works for me so it got to work for u. Just make a copy paste of the exact token i posted.
  15. and tell me if it works at least lol...
  16. 6C5A10259D4FBBFF49484D5C354D97DCE86EBBB1 Copy paste this. have fun
  17. u Just need the new token.
  18. well i think it is useful lol probably u use a diferent IG walker version
  19. ye.. they made an update. i think the token has been changed. cause the IP and Port are the same. i just dont know how to find the token, all the process i have seen are uptodate and do not work anymore. HF
  20. make a new update so ur system file will get back like it was. then u got a file named L2f.exe( an edited icon) change that one to Lineage2, then the other lineage2.exe change it to l2.exe. now when those are done, its the .ini files part, so u got L2.ini and lineage2.ini. u got to have them.(if u dont, when u update like i said u will get them.) so then is just open ur Ig walker load the new l2.exe file from the walker and voila ;p hf
  21. Does any1 know how to find server token? all the ways i've known before are uptodate so none work=/ Ty
  22. There are no BUG's to enchant items. neither programs to do it
  23. lol nice. but i think i will quit L2x its not like it was or like people say it is >.< hf
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