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Everything posted by Skinner

  1. Ye i've checked the port and IP. they are the same. so probably it is the Token. but i idk how to find tokens now.
  2. Hi evry1, this is my first post hope it is useful. If u guys get a file size error when runing the game on ur IG walker it means that the file on ur system folder named L2.exe is not the right one that IG walker can work with. So simply what u got to do is changing the names of the files normaly named as L2.exe and Lineage2.exe. DEV's love to change them cause this way half of the boters stop before they could find out why they cant log. So to make it work u just have to name L2.exe-->Lineage2.exe and Lineage2.exe-->l2.exe but u have to make one diferent for a while cause their will be 2 = and the computer wont acept, so is just change one and then the other and then fix the first one. If this only fix the file size error but not the log in it is another problem. Like i play L2forever and there they have also changed the .ini files. so u also have to change this names like before just exchange the names. Hope u understand me >.< Hf
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