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  1. Server will be started TODAY!
  2. XavaX is meant to be midrate craft/pvp server! Fresh Start: 16/03/2019 www.l2xavax.eu Xavax Rates: Exp / SP = 70x Adena = 50x Drop = 15x Spoil = 20x Quest = 8x Manor = 3x Raidboss drop = 5x Grandboss drop = 1x Xavax Features: Convertible Adena / Seal Stones from your inventory 2x click on Adena to convert 500 000 000 to 1 Gold bar 2x click on Seal Stones to convert them to Ancient Adena Every Epic boss drops some amount of Special / Donate coins Every Raids 71+ / Epic boss drops Champion medals Special reward Chests buyable for Champion medals: Special chest (LS, Bogs, other chests, special coin) A - grade Armor chest - random A grade weapons recipe (Tallum / DC) A - grade Weapon chest - random Interlude weapons recipe S - grade Armor chest - random S grade armor recipe S - grade Weapon chest - random S grade weapons recipe (for most used weps) Special (donate) coins buyable for Olympiad passes / Champion medals 3 special bird Pets - provides you with Malaria, Flu, Cholera buff Vote Mark - 10 % Exp , Adena, Drop rate bonus Golden rebuff Mark - refresh a bufftime of your current buffs Unlimited Mana potion - no more taking care about mana pots Lucker Item - provides you with bonus while crafting / augmenting / enchatning TvT event with 20 Champion medals as a reward (Hwid/Ip protected againts dualboxes) Custom commands: .reportbot (reported players will be listed in Captcha protection system) .buffmenu (you can delete specific buff from currently buffed buffs) .droplist <mobID> Basic Features: GM-Shop (N - B grade) A/S craftable Basic mats / recipes in shop Mat crafter (requires more mats and adena to craft desired mat) NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer Scheme buffer Bufftime: 2 Hrs (pets 5 min) Buffslots: 24+4 Autolearn skills (except divine inspiration) Spellbook drop deleted NPC Castle manager NPC Weeding manager Subclass free Nobless - Caradine letter 65lvl buyable for Adena and MSS OR Champion medals Low grade keys drops deleted Olympiad 2 weeks period loosers get small reward heroes can buy special rewards Clan warehouse accessible for clan members clan leader can set access via .menu Champion system champion medals tradeable for recipes / special reward chests Buffsell system Increased slots and weightlimit Transformation items (visual effect only) Specific quests boosted: Zero hour (+no prequest needed) TOI Giant cave
  3. Hello guys, as we are preparing introduction of some "new kind" of server style, we are looking for two guys as follows: Client mod/dev - the guy who is capable to create new npcs / skills animation + other client easy stuff. We are recruting any kind of skilled person. It can be an opportunity for new graphic devs as well as for well known guys Java - Geo mod/dev - the guy who is capable to code geoengine + geodats from scratch. High quality requested. The best person for us is a client dev who is also capable of making geodats (adding some new regions including geodats could be one of the challenge). For all reactions we would please you to use Personal message in here. We can provide skype contact via PM also.
  4. Beta testing online - server in development, please read forum about what belongs to beta only to avoid misunderstandings with features.
  5. @Genji: Thank you, cya on start :) @mamike20009: Thank you for your opinion (even its long enought it worth for us to read players opinions). Basically, we agree with you. Thats why we are going to start lowrate with classic - if possible - old time community. Our goals are crating some stable community that will be competitive on Epic raids fights and others action. Ofc the timing of nowdays lowrates is kinda "unlucky" but we trust that many of them will not provide stable and non-corrupted environement that we can asure. About your suggestions: - low rates - ye as classic requires, lowrates should be fine around 4-5x, but basically the game is wellknown already and many old time players dont want to spend so much time with basic actions that move us to 7x - Donations are set similiar to what you have written and we dont have any p2w donations (ofc every server staff will tell you the same, and later they sell OP shits on blackhand side... this will never happen in here!) Since we need to build longterm community, we need players to trust in us in every moment. Donate actions - lets talk about Bonuses for longterm activity, will be provided also in real money rewarding or free donate coins for players. Ofc these events will be announced with strictly rules, that anybody will be able to track.
  6. L2Ignis intro.l2ignis.eu - www.l2ignis.eu - forum.l2ignis.eu Beta Openning: 4 November - Grand Openning: December Hello MXC members and guests, we are glad to present you our project called Ignis that is developed to fill the empty place in L2 community nowdays. It is so hard to find quality server nowdays without any corruptions, ignorance and friendly (but still proffesional) team. We are here to bring you something fresh! Are you still missing the old times of classic L2 game? Here we go! Our project goals: - no-wipe policy - friendly but proffesional staff - create stable, competitive, friendly community - listen to players requests and issue - longterm prepaid hosting - no p2w (pay to win) donations -Real player rewards! (solo, parties, clans) Server Features: Version: Interlude - PTS platform based Rate: x7 Opening: 16 December 2016 (could be edited during beta) Exp: x7 Sp: x7 Adena: x5 (quantity) SealStone: x3 (quantity) Drop: x4 (chance), x1 (quantity) (if chance exceeds 100%, amount increases by proper number) Spoil: x3 (chance), x1 (quantity) (if chance exceeds 100%, amount increases by proper number) Manor 2x Quest drop edited Quest Reward (adena / exp / sp): x5* RaidBoss Exp / Sp: x5 RaidBoss Drop: x3 (chance); x1 (quantity) EpicBoss: x1 (chance, quantity) Other Features: 1st and 2nd class questable / buyable 3rd class questable only Skills have to be learned 7s registration period on server start Mammons Catacombs and Necropolis only 7day cycle Castle sieges: followingly 7s period 14 days cycle Olympiad daily 20 - 24 hour 1 month period Class required: 5 NonClass required: 9 Buffs and debuffs Buffslots 20+4 Bufftime: classic (20min classic buffs, 2 mins songs/dances, 5 min prophecies) Subclass questable Nobless questable Offline-private store Stopexp function TvT automatate events L2off classic events L2off antibot + advanced antibot Clan leveling questable ClanWar penalty decreased to 1 hour (from 12 hours) Clan leaving, clan disolve penalties retail Aliances of 3 clans maximal Updated Quests rates: Dangerous Seduction Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1 Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 2 Legacy of Insolence Gather the Flames Relics of the Old Empire Alliance with the Varka Silenos Alliance with the Ketra Orcs Seekers of the Holy Grail Guardians of the Holy Grail The Zero Hour Supplier of Reagents Path to 3rd Class quests Hot Spring Note: In the case of any change in features (based on players POLLs or Beta) topic will be updated
  7. New L2off Interlude 7x. Classic gameplay, longterm+stable, friendly! www.l2ignis.eu

  8. @Xeonc: Please provide us (old Dawid´s clients) with some information about reaching new HW keys (in case of moving the files) and SVN access. Some projects have their timeline and they cant afford any troubles on start bcse of new licencing system if you catch my point. Thank you P.S. Wish you luck during your deserved vacation Dawid ;)
  9. Stolen websites. This guy provides "webdesign" services where he tries to sell stolen (cracked) sites with malfunctions. As he is scammer i dont recommend any services provided by him same as i dont recommend this crappy server.
  10. today 490 no offline shops, real number, screen from peak will be added too.
  11. 420 players reached:
  12. Yes
  13. Thanks and feel free to take a look ;)
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