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Everything posted by ~LunatiC

  1. www.L2Nephilim.com <<<<BEST
  2. www.L2Nephilim.com <<<<BEST
  3. www.L2Nephilim.com
  4. "empeire" sto signatsure sou kati exeis kanei lathos mallon :) [qimg]http://abs.gprime.net/fatguy3.gif[/qimg] kanto edit mhn to blepw se parakalo
  5. Hello MxC,after making a search on L2 servers,i decided to accept the offer to become part of L2Nephilim GMTeam,a good looking,New server without donations and Fair chances for everyone! Server is open 1,5 months and is one of the most promising servers. We have always 250 ppl online and in the evenings we go 300+. See you in game. ;)
  6. As i can see after wipe,deathwhisper started renewed, one of the best interlude servers is back dynamically. I might not be in the deathwhisper team but it still be a good server.(and who knows?:P) we wait for the forum to rise up panos, so we could spam there a little :D ;) ;D :) ::)
  7. you wrong server is very good .You think before you talk with what class you go for farm with paladin? i farm for 2 hours with sh and i take vesper set i was with vesper from 1st day, you want all ready you are wrong what you wait to go 85 with one mob and and take the top items with the adena you colect and take them max enchant with one scroll where you leave in earth? from what game you came did you ever play l2? small farm area mean and many pvps you know and its beters fantasy island farm area is huge and good for mass pvp the server is nice with exelent drop rate and farm easy :D
  8. The site looks really nice! Server appears very good from first site.We wait and see..
  9. I like server without donation, and i see appear for one serious server. Good luck with the server :) and . . . . . see you online ;). . . . .
  10. bebea kapia gnwsta akoma den douleuoune. p.x dual vesper k.a
  11. diladh otan pas na kaneis enchant to skill paei amesws +30 ?? an katalava kala tote den einai bug, twra pernaw egw to backup , otan to dokimaso tha sou po...
  12. diladh gia na katalavw, twra esu exeis sto rapidshare collection account kai exeis kanei upload 3 eikones se 3 diafwretika upload?:P (mallon prepei na breis alon tropo gia na mazepseis point XD) anyway, exei ksanaginei share !!!
  13. hahahaha Respect . BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fakoykas is coming ...:P
  14. [GR]off mexri kai prin 3-4 mhnes pou den ksanampika douleue to bug me to trade ston blacksmith sthn goddard gia to quest tou nobless.
  15. [GR]Οποιος σου πει ότι παίζει σε server χωρίς bug, απλά σου λέει ψέματα από official μέχρι και εγώ δεν ξέρω ...
  16. katarxas kalispera sas !! exw ena mikro provlhmataki oso afra ton login, diladh enw o server login/gameserver anevenoune kanonika, dimiourgounte oi xaraxthres kanonika, otan epeilegeis omos ton xaraxthra kai pas na patiseis ok poli apla den mpenei !!! mou bgazei to exhs munhma ston gameserver ama dimiourgiso kai alous xaraxthres sto idio account gia na sas doso na katalabete sto error tou gameserver alazei mono i teleutea lexh <slot:1-2-3> diladh auto pou kathorizei pios einai o protos-deuteros-tritos kai paei legwntas xaraxthras mesa sto account ... xrisimopoio official l2jfree il http://rapidshare.com/files/82353406/IL_L2JFree_2741_-_Final.7z sugnomh gia thn enoxlish !! me ektimish Grigoris !!
  17. Einai aplo guys, kai fusika pianei.. I porta einaI ena meso metafwras dedomenon pros kai apo ton server An stileis esei dedomena xonontas to scroll enw o server stelnei dedomena kleinontas thn porta, tautoxronos ta dedomena sigkrouonte me tetio tropo oste na dimiourgei lag kai na petixenei to enchant !!!! -=maMA to mpifteki mou !!!!!=- To oti kati edelos tuxea sas pigenei ++ den simenei oti einai trick-exploit-bug To monadiko pou mporei na fteei einai oti eseis oi idioi eiste tuxeroi i ston server pou pezete den spaei apolutos TIPOTA !! As ginei ena lock se auto to spamothread xD
  18. Tragiko akougete etc opos to les:P
  19. This is the end
  20. den uparxei, ara den xreiazete to topic
  21. Kalispera kai apo do :) Dokimasa auto to link koufo alla den doulebei... Pos 8a mporeso alios na alaxw to country gia na mpo ston GvE Episeis an me doune na grafw greek 8a faw ban ...An pezei kaneis GvE as mou kanei ena pm 8a eimai login olli mera ty:)
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