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Everything posted by ~LunatiC

  1. Wtt 25 euro paysafecard to google play card. (only for today)
  2. Προλάβατε να ανοίξετε και κλείσατε; Όντως epic..
  3. Wtb Items and adena on Chronos server... for more information send pm or l2lunatic@hotmail.com (Soon those who are interested)
  4. Des mipws se endiaferei auto edw. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237695.0 Den ton poulaw, ton antalasw me items sto Chronos (Lineage II)
  5. Cleric Lv 55 (MAX) Server : Perento (Official) WTT player in AION full lvl, a with good gear (Abyss set 50 and other) WITH item or adena on Chronos official lineage2 server With only 2 billion .. or item + some money = 2bill for more information send pm or l2lunatic@hotmail.com (Soon those who are interested)
  6. 6 hmeres gia enan server pou einai beta kai meta to beta den tha kanei wipe ;) Den diafimizete pouthena mexri na bgei apo to beta ektos apo edw mesa kai xtes sta vote sites .
  7. Provlhmata exoume arketa :) Alla opws kai na exei einai enas apo tous kaliterous c6 server me polu mellon kai akoma den exei ksekinisei :)
  8. Ante pali me ton eloxim kai me to "polu" farm. nvm den tha ksanasizitiso to "duskolo" farm tou eloxim :p Pws ginete omws mesa se 6-7 hmeres pou einai anoixtos o server sxedon oloi na einai full:) On topic: O eloxim einai enas arketa kalos server pou den exei bgei akoma apo to beta, provlhmatakia fusika kai exei alla ftiaxnwnte :) www.l2eloxim.com
  9. you can try here www.l2eloxim.com
  10. To topic einai ligo akuro, alla exeis to dikaioma na psaxeis na breis otidipote edw mesa:) anyway, tha mporouses gia paradeigma na psaxeis sto forum tou eloxim:) edit: Kalh epitixia ston eloxim :D :D :D :D
  11. Give more info about enchant,rates mid or high server-rpg ;) Check here www.l2eloxim.com/forum ,opening in 2 days
  12. Next time give more info, enchant rates etc. check here, www.l2eloxim.com/forum
  13. ofc in team ^^
  14. with new team and 100% new pack
  15. http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/596/eloxim.png you see that ??
  16. check again ;)
  17. O sundiasmos sigoura einai prototupos kai to effect ton button, Tha to ebaze kaneis omws se swvaro server ?;) Kalh prospatheia.
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