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Everything posted by nikosdevil20

  1. i cant im standby for 1 idiot. ppl of want realy see my pack sure can. but to this guy i havent to prove. about my english is realy bad but im from Greece. about my pack if is near zero only i know and not you. you havent see the pack so dont say bullsh1ts. i like pvp servers with these features. if you dont like dont buy it! this is all
  2. hmm ok...i say again i ask only for learn. i dont speak ironic
  3. I have nothing to prove to idiots. i say to he add me in skype for show he the source and the codes of greated by me, he add me in skype and when i send to he msg for the source and im waiting he 20 mins for answer me and at last he answer me after 3-4 hours i dont remember correct.. i dont wait he all the day for he see the expendables. so i say to he go fuck now and finish. i dont show anything and go fuck you. this is all. and my topic is locked. so i have nothing to prove to this idiot. topic contimue be locked so stop this and leave he be happy for lock my topic. im tired to talk again for this idiot kid.
  4. 1st of all your pack of you sell is for @@. 2nd i havent read all the topic for your fail fallen system. 3d i have the balls and i say you to show you but you think im standby all the time for you. so you take my @@. 4 in my @@ for your acis and you etc. stop spam more the topic. go find any wrong topic for edit.
  5. anyway stop spam more this topic. im tired with this sh1t. i write in my @@ and trance and extreamer and my topic and all. gn to you and to all.
  6. my problem isnt the 1 locked topic. my problem is that idiot Trance's logic. he lock the topic for what? cuz he dont like the features? and my problem is Trance when he think because he is vip member or wtf he is he think he can destroy all the world. but he dont say something about Extreamer's pack. and he dont say something cuz extreamer is gold member! now you understund where is my problem?
  7. i dont flame everyone. i flame Trance cuz lock my topic with her idiot logic and i flame Extreamer cuz he say me the features from my pack are already shared and he the same time sell pack with all features already shared. so dont say me what i need.
  8. i know i know! im waiting my ban cuz i have big mouth!! but ok. sometimes someone must say the truth and some ppl must listen the hided truth behind the 1st impression. anyway gn to all see you tomorrow :)
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/179989-l2jdogma-project-updated-25-euros-compile-30-euros-source/ and now you dont answer? thas is your logic. staff can sell sh1ts and normal members of have working alot in 1 pack sell crappy packs and lock topics! gj ! the other idiot before 30 mins say me this pack have only shared thinks and the same time he sell pack with 0 work. the only work is only in custom armors etc. (if arent already shared and this) so fucking bad about mxc staff. ( and i say again NOT ALL) and after this topic deleted or locked or banned or something because i say bullsh1ts from mxc and i spam and more sh1ts from staff members. ps: Trance+Extreamer go together f@@k ps2: Enaugh with idiots Good Night to all!!!!
  10. he is gold member and gold members can sell "crappy" packs as Trance says with already shared thinks but normal members cant and lock topics. this is mxc staff. (not all) but the 2 idiots Trance and Extreamer are realy for trash and all see this today.
  11. and what you have say for this pack? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/179989-l2jdogma-project-updated-25-euros-compile-30-euros-source/ this is not crap pack? what think is not shared from this pack,or what is already from l2jhellas?
  12. i say for example idiot. wake up
  13. for what is crap? you have see alot l2jfreya servers for examplle with townwar full working?
  14. hehehe maybe. if extreamer post msgs from skype for show he is right the topic is more spam topic.. and as i see have ppl for read this topic but my love Trance-bot-pipple boy dont answer me and im sad :(
  15. i dont need learn your fucking language! you want speak greek for see who need learn some basic grammar? go fuck of here better. and i write in my b@@S your polylinguistic and 4 levels and what the f@@k you are realy! and i like "fight" with you cuz you are idiot and i laugh realy with you :)
  16. hahah realy :).... im waiting ban cuz i say Trance's head is full of pimples for make new account :D
  17. you're so dumb its unreal [1:31:30 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: so dont write here [1:32:01 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: you are dump not me. you are the idiot and you think you are someone in mxc. [1:32:10 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: you are 1 of my balls and i havent show you anything. [1:32:20 πμ] Extreamer: hey kiddo you know 0 you are 0 [1:32:47 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: maybe im 0. but you are the most idiot guy in mxc. [1:33:00 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: and now.. [1:33:05 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: go and post my msg in mxc [1:33:07 πμ] Extreamer: bye kid [1:33:11 πμ] ॐNikosॐ®: for cry about this and after 30 seconds post all msgs.....hahahah realy how idiot you are realy. and about Trance say to he go f@@k any girl and leave pc and developing cuz her head is full of pimples. he is realy idiot guy. and all forum say this im not the only
  18. and what im for say me show me now? what you think you are? i want and i say to show you not cuz im scarry or wtf you think. and what i have provit to one idiot guy? in my @@ if you think i lying or wtf you think. and now you take my @@. i havent show you anything cuz 1st you are idiot and 2nd cuz i havent provit anything to anyone. if someone want buy my pack or want search something in source he can. but you are idiot and sure you cant.
  19. as you see i say what is mine and what is from shares. i dont think is too hard to add "protections" in pvp zones and in commands for example if (activeChar.getPvpFlag() > 0 or if (activeChar.isInDuel() or something like this. as you see i say i have rank pvp system by masterio,multifunctionzone,townwar and other and i say is mine.
  20. for what you are right? all this hour in this topic you say bullshits. and this msg with fuck you in skype i send you after 15-17 mins before i have already say you to show my source. so my defence or yours is bad? you post my messages here for what? for say im kid and all this bullsh1ts for you are right? xD you are realy @@...
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