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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Ok. Let's get some things clear for all noobs fighting & hating!


    Let's forget about the brand. Let's say it's a normal phone from a company. The company updates the phone each year, adding more specs and making the phone better. In this case, I can't really see where Apple is wrong. I mean, the company updated the phone with some stuff it really needed. Which are these stuff? Ok! A better CPU (to follow the other phones around), a bigger SCREEN (which even you guys SCREAM it's "just a bigger iphone", most of you were complaining that iPhone had a small screen comparing to other phones). It made the phone, faster, lighter and thinner. I don't really see what's wrong with that.


    Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot! The design of the phone remained the same? Hell yeah and that's a big issue... NO! Apple made a good design at first hand and people fell in love with the design. So why the heck should the design change? I personally love the back-panel design with the aluminum but simultaneously, I'm glad they didn't change the whole concept. You know why? Cause it was -beep-ing good and practical, that's why.


    Now let's get the prices. You see, Apple has its own strategy. They "overprice" their products. I know a phrase which is true every time. "You get what you pay for". Yeah, you might say, it's a bit pricy and I kinda agree. Maybe they should lower the prices a bit and that's the only thing I criticize the company for. When I bought my first mbp (macbook pro) I was a bit curious about its price (back then 2k€) but eventually this thing is a tool for me and I've never regretted my action.


    When I'm in the market for phones NOW, there's not many options you have. To be honest with you, in the mobile-area with all the companies we have right now it's pretty easy to select a phone. You see, there are some steps you take: 1st) you define the budget: You just want to spend 150€ on a phone? Do it. It's your choice and I respect that. Don't expect to have a great phone with ya. 2nd) Select WHAT FITS YOU! Now this is important. You see, I can't see the difference on picking an S3 for 670€ (yeap, this is the price) or pick a LUMIA or an iPhone5 since they all have the same price. So if you're in the market, you should consider what's best for you. I'll pick iPhone, because it fits me. Yeap, I hate android because I've used it and simply it doesn't reach my expectations. I don't know a thing about windows phone 8 since they're not really available for testing according to what my friends have.


    So, I'll stick with iPhone5 for now.


    The point of my reply is: Think wisely before you talk. You can't simply fight and hate something, just because it's mainstream. Apple is hated because there's a trend of "Apple Hater". Study, learn, compare and then post.


    My 2 cents.

  2. Can u give us more informations about this game;


    I wish I could. Game story should be placed around middle age and no, I'm not intending to make this game to look like having castles and knights. It's all about fantasy creatures, mostly inspired by the famous World Of Darkness of White Wolf (you know, vampires, werewolves, witches, mages and more) but all of that given through our own minds. I can't give you a clear game concept as 1st) it hasn't been completed yet and 2nd) I don't really want opinions to spread, since I want to make a game from total base. If in the future, we see something is bad or wrong, we could easily change it. It's our game.


    I just need passion for this to happen!

  3. Wanna design & develop? This is your chance!


    Hey fellas!


    Well, if you're wondering about that topic, then no worries. It's all about having fun and using our skills. So, developers and designers out there, I'm speakin' to you! I'm up to a great idea of making an online game. Well, it's gonna be an in-game browser! Yeah, don't get distracted or disappointed before you complete reading this thread.


    A bit of info


    Probably, most of you have seen or played some of the most popular games out there, like Travian, Ikariam, e-Republik, bitefight etc. Well NO! I'm not planning to do something similar as I find it at least boring and pointless to click and click and click some things in order to get better. Usually, these games target to your passion on their website. They want you to play more and more so they can eventually lead you buy something from them to be even better. That's not my point.


    I have a concept in my mind and I think it's extremely powerful and extraordinary idea concerning our usual standards of in-browser games. Besides the fact of using a real-time application framework and not pure php forms, the whole game will offer animations and pure strategy. More like an RPG game, build with our own hands. Or maybe a combination of traditional MOBA and MMORPG's. It would be something unique and great.


    Why I've chosen to be an in-browser game? Cause, at first, browsers offer access from anywhere and also because it's cross-platform. And of course, browsers NOW offer much more great stuff than they used to offer. Real-time features is one of them. Having every people connected and interact with them at real time. You know what that means? Endless possibilities I'd say. With nowadays technologies like node.js and ruby on rails you can take advantage of great new features of this real-time world and build almost anything you'd like.


    More info about the game? Nop. I'm not just gonna share it cause, first of all it's not finished yet, and secondly I don't want opinions to spread. It would, eventually, be something unique. Something that hasn't been built since the day I'm posting this thread. What we have to compete? Regular, old, boring browser games. What's the most fun? WE are gonna build it.


    The point of the thread!


    Well, you guessed it right! I can't do it on my own. It's a lot work to do and simply I cannot handle it alone. I want graphic designers and developers to work with and build something unique. Hey hey! I know what you're thinking! "This is not the right place for this topic"! I know, but, what do I lose? I know there're some secret talents hidden in these forums and I want 'em to co-operate. In order to participate, you need to have passion for the work you do. Either if you're coding or designing, I want you to love what you're doing. It's important for the project. It needs to be crafted with our power and creative thoughts.


    Why the heck should I work with you?


    At the end of the day, that's the question I think, huh? Well, yeah, I thought about it before I continue writing this post (oh it's getting too long) I have to tell you I'm not a billionaire and I don't really dream to become one. I just love what I'm doing. And you should do the same, remember?


    SO, the project will be designed and coded at a private repository which I will retain (and all of the participants will have access to, of course) and I'll pay the costs of the development procedure, regarding, hosting, domains and rest crap. Yep! Right! I won't really ask your money since I don't really intend to treat you like an employee or something.


    Whoever joins the team, would have an equal share of the whole project. That means, if 4 people are on the team (including me and other 3 people), each of us would have 25% of the project earnings. Now, before we speak about earnings I should warn you. We're not going to make any monetization strategies before the game is out there and we're not gonna force users to pay in order to fill our pockets. We should do this whole project, because we love what we're doing. Believe me, if we have this in mind, everything else will come eventually. Have trust guys!


    What should I know/do?


    Ok, let's get this straight without further fussiness. We're looking for:


    • Game directors/designers - Fellow gamers and smart people. A game is not something easy and fast. We need to think, think again and make something balanced and fun to play.
    • Front end developers - These are the guys who know how to write proper HTML/CSS/Javascript and all the front-end goodness. They will need to co-operate best with graphic designers and back-end developers for the best outcome.
    • Back end developers - The geeks. Guys who will boost the game, powering it with great back-end knowledge and optimizations. The usually retain the servers and the databases.
    • Graphic designers - The creative minds! Graphic designers will help us eventually for building something appealing and great. They will provide us with great resources and images for the game and they should also have great communication skills for the front-end designers.


    What's the technical knowledge you ask? For front-end guys, as I said earlier, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax and of course all that keeping web standards. As far as the server side of things, they should also be familiar with server-side languages like PHP, Ruby and they should have some knowledge about frameworks, like CodeIgniter or Ruby On Rails. For back-end guys, node.js and apache are some MUST's and also be familiar with server-side stuff (bandwidth allocation and much more). For graphic designers, you guessed it! Design great stuff! I don't care where (it could be Photoshop/Fireworks/Illustrator/GIMP/Paint) but the outcomes have to be nice and the image file optimization has to be a familiar term for you.


    Well, that's all folks. Having questions? Don't be afraid to ask below. Spam replies won't be tolerated.

    Thanks in advance for reading this topic (I know, tl;dr case).


    With respect,


  4. ισχύει επειδή και εγώ κρητη πέρασα κάτω 180 πολύ δύσκολο σχεδόν αδύνατο εγώ νοίκιασα λ 62 μαρτύρων(230€) κοντά στον καινούργιο βασιλόπουλο που ανοίγει στις 10 νομίζω διπλά από τα jumpo

    Όχι είναι ωραίο σπίτι, μόνο την πόρτα του μπάνιου άλαξε σε συρόμενη για να έχει περισσότερο χώρο και του βάλανε αλουμινένιες πόρτες στην αυλή γιατί έχει και κήπο




    Εεε ρε μαλάκα είναι φάρδος σου λέω :P


    Εγώ δίνω 160 σε καινούργια πολυκατοικία στον 3ο, με μπαλκόνι, θέα θάλασσα, πάρκινγ + αποθήκη. Μόνο που μένω με συγκάτοικο, άρα σύνολο είναι 320€! :P


    Περιοχή: Πόρος. Κέντρο-απόκεντρο.

  5. Ένα φίλος μου νοικιάζει γκαρσονιέρα στην μίνωος 150 ευρώ και απο την πρώτη μέρα που μπήκε μέσα του έχει φτιάξει ότι προβλήματα είχε, καινούριες πόρτες κτλπ.


    Λογικά θα τον έχεις δει, ο μετρ που είναι στο envy.


    Κωλόφαρδος θα έλεγα


    Ε είναι λίγο φάρδος δεν είναι;


    Βασικά εγώ μιλάω στο να βρεις κάτι της προκοπής να μείνεις. Τώρα αν διαλέξεις στάβλο, θα πληρώνεις συνέχεια μαστόρους για μερεμέτια.. -.-

  6. Εγώ πάντως με 150 ευρώ τον βάζω στη γούρνα που έχω στην αυλή και τον αφήνω να πλένεται με το λάστιχο του κήπου. Και όταν πιάσουν τα κρύα έχω και κάτι μουσαμάδες.


    εσύ πλάκα πλάκα από Ηράκλειο δεν είσαι; or..?

  7. kante lock to topic einai o pio fail o theos na tn kanei tragoudisti pou bgeike ta teleftea xronia!

    apo tin 1h stigmi ton antipathisa !


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