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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Power supply: Give it some more Watts imo.


    CPU: http://www.amazon.com/Intel-Core-i5-3570K-Quad-Core-Processor/dp/B007SZ0E1K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1353256244&sr=8-1&keywords=intel+i5+3570k

    This one is pretty nice as far as I have heard of. But is a bit more expensive.


    SSD: Check the Neutron GTX from Corsair. It's a great piece of SSD.


    Be sure your mobo supports SATA3 and usb3 for faster I/O with your devices (that's a priority I personally love to check). And you're good to go I think!

  2. Στην ουσια εταιρεια ειναι. Πιστευω το εχει συνταξει σωστα.

    Facebook Inc (Incorporated)



    Α, δηλαδή όταν λες "Πάω να κάνω login στο facebook" θα έπρεπε να λες "Πάω να κάνω login στην Facebook Inc"?


    - Πρώτον, δεν στέκει γιατί μιλάμε για ΤΟ site του facebook και επομένως μιλάμε για το κοινωνικό δίκτυο.

    - Δεύτερον αυτό που έχουν βάλει σαν link, το έβγαλε TO facebook στο 1bil. members milestone σαν εορταστικό video. Καμία σχέση με διαφήμιση της εταιρίας.


    Τα ελληνικά χαζά blogs σαν αυτό που απλά αντιγράφουν ειδήσεις από άλλα παρακμιακά ελληνικά blogs απλά είναι καθυστερημένα.

  3. 1.ήτανε πολλά τα λευτά αν και είχα ελπίδες να πάω.

    2.δεν ξαναμιλάω με άλλη,μαλώσαμε.

    3.μόλις τελειώσω με το καλό εδώ,μπορεί να πάω Αγγλία ξαδέρφη μου,να δουλέψω και να κάνω μεταπτυχιακό Ρομποτική.


    Άντε πάλι με τη Ρομποτική. Ρε πούστη μόλις δεις τα μαθηματικά που χρειάζεσαι για την Ρομποτική θα αλλάξεις πλευρό! :P

    Τέσπα, πάντως μην κολλάς. Προχώρα το!

  4. To thema einai oti meta pou douleueis? kai apo tei kolopetinitsas na einai o allos einai anoteros sou


    Ψέμα. Στον χώρο μας αρκεί να έχεις όρεξη και μεράκι για δουλειά. Θα καταξιωθείς. Όχι Ελλάδα. Αλλά οι κόποι σου δεν θα πάνε χαμένοι.




    PS: Πάει το έξω; (Αυστρία;)

  5. it is but i dont see how that makes me talented xD

    somehow im always going straight for the hard stuff :D trying to draw a hardcore landscape.... xD


    Well the starting drawing of most of people is something like RANDOM LINES :P Train, and you'll master it, since you began with this piece ;-)

  6. Dont ask me ... As I saw he make video blogs but I dont know about what.


    IMO he is right in one thing. About gangnam style ... It's shit and people get crazy about this mongol shit or korean or other shit from asia ...


    Well that's called "Mainstream". Gangnam style is a bit "catchy" in the rythm and the beat, but besides that, I agree that people get crazy without the reason. But that's internet I guess! :P Also he's talking like nuts about PSY overtaking America... this kid is clearly an immature mind...

  7. I think that you should buy one of this, only if you already draw with brushes/pencil and other stuff. I used to have a Wacom before some time, but brushing/sketching isn't my... expertise. It should be useful for people who actually draw things in the paper too...


    Btw, you're talented if this IS your first outcome ;)

  8. It's not. I've posted after searching on google and the problem isnt the UTF 8 unicode system.


    -I answered to Paysafecard2Paypal.

    -I have the correct settings.

    -Explain me further.

    -Already done.


    I also contacted template's author. Although i have check all of the templates from this author and only this it doesnt support the greek language(completely).


    Maybe I can have a link to your blog to check myself?

  9. As Psomas, correctly, said, Blogger is too strict with changes. I haven't been working with it for ages. Just because I hate have constrains when we speak about the web. Wordpress is more open and customizable. Anyway to the point, some things that might help you out.


    - Check page's encoding setting. Usually (HTML5 standards) in the head you should find: <meta charset="utf-8"> just in top of the title tag (it doesn't really matter actually but the best use is just below the <head> start tag.


    - Check your blogger settings. I suppose you can change the language of your blog to support Greek language posts and show them properly.


    - The ISO-XXXX is something old and imo should be avoided. I know it's for Greek language but you should probably use UTF-8 for best experience.


    - You can always switch the encoding of the page by the 'View' -> 'Character Encoding' option in the browser (location might differ from browser to browser) and check whether is that the fault or something else.


    Report back here, if you still have issues.


  10. Blane,do you rly think that mxc got such ppl?No,definetly not.


    You are really old member,and you should knew that this community is full of kids(at least,85%),without any actuall knowledge,they can only download a pack(click2play) in order to become admin in their own homemade server.


    They are not reading guides,and trust me mxc get a sh it load of them,they are not willing to practise alone and such things.They are making a shit load of topics every minute,because they are lazy to search/read the error.


    If you want something gud,try to pm some old and skilled members which used to surf here some years ago.

    [interpid,matim,coyote,horus etc].


    in the end,gl.


    Hope dies last forever bro. I know what you're talking about.


    Guys, there's a big possibility that we're gonna have some investors too! It's incredible.

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