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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Έχει πλάκα να κλαις όταν στο background γίνεται χορός εκατομμυρίων. ΙQ YES SIR!


    Αυτό νομίζω ήταν ότι πιο έξυπνο έχει γραφτεί στο τοπικ. Προσωπικά γαύρος είμαι. Μόνο και μόνο το ότι κάθεστε και κλαίτε/διαμαρτύρεστε για τα αίσχη του ελληνικού ποδοσφαίρου, δίνει ώθηση στους παράγοντες να συνεχίζουν τις λαμογίες τους. Τα ποσά που παίζουν στο παρασκήνιο και όλα όσα έχει δείξει το παρελθόν και συνεχίζει να δείχνει το ελληνικό ποδοσφαιρικό φιάσκο, θα έπρεπε τουλάχιστον να σας κάνουν να κλείσετε τα στόματά σας και να βλέπετε μπάλα (αν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί θέαμα το ελληνικό ποδόσφαιρο) για να μην πω, να μην ασχολείστε καθόλου, αναφέρομαι στους νοήμονες. Ακόμη πιο δραματική είναι η φάση εδώ. Κάθεστε και κλαίτε στο maxcheaters? Λοιπόν, τουλάχιστον κρατήστε αυτά τα αίσχη εκτός του forum.


    Καλό βράδυ.

  2. Προτείνω "Απόλυτη Java" εκδόσεις "ίων" με την επιμέλεια του "Δ. Ιακωβίδη". Περιέχει τα πάντα για το ξεκίνημα με την Java. (φτάνει μέχρι applets, JFrame, Generic Types etc..)

  3. Γενικά όταν κάνεις συγκρίσεις, καλό θα ήταν (άμα θες ο κώδικάς σου να δουλεύει σωστά), να ελέγχεις αν η δωθήσα τιμή είναι μεταξύ κάποιων διαστημάτων όπως λέει και ο Hax0r. Μην χρησιμοποιείς απλά >, <, ==, αλλά διαστήματα. Αν το κάνεις έτσι θα δουλέψει όπως το θες.

  4. Blane, I by all means started this as a simple disagreement that all staffers are from either Greece or Romania, which isn't right and now people think that I'm saying that ALL a global needs is English. Like honestly these people who have been unbanned are the ones starting this "flame war"


    Your statement is accepted. Maxtor will consider it, I hope. I won't keep the topic unlocked, since there's no point of discussing something recursively (cause that's what you're doing).



  5. IMHO this new theme sucks hard :/ small elements like topic icons and new logo will not make it better. There are a lot of better themes, for example dziner studio's ones, even that free ones.



    Dziner's themes are so great indeed. But if you wish to keep this theme, just make some stuff bigger since they're too small.

  6. It's not personal, really, but give it a break.


    1st of all, you are not in position (speaking to thread-starter) to judge the forum's staff, general forum's decisions and you can't be sure about its good form. I mean, ok, we need someone, who speaks fluent English but that's not our priority right now. We're rebuilding critical stuff in this board, and we have some objectives to succeed. Anyway.


    2ndly. Posting suggestions is allowed. You have the right to post your ideas, speaking always with a good manner. I don't if you get me, (perhaps this is what you said about "English"-speaking moderators huh? pff) but this topic already got some flames and it's gonna be locked for sure. So, learning by your mistakes, next time, speak good, respect some people and then you're free to post your thoughts.


    Thank you.

  7. Hello,this one's about an old topic we had @ Spam topics.

    The greek mods should be aware of it already.

    Anyway,here's the link:



    It had closed due to some flame wars that have taken place there.

    Before you close this let me stand it up.

    You know,fighting between e-friends like me,krash,finito,nikoloudos and weird is not the usual kind of fighting.

    We just argue and we just don't do it politely...Nobody's gonna get harmed of it...

    Weird is gonna take care of it.We used to have fun there...Don't destroy it...



    I know this is not HIGH priority but if you possibly find some time please consider this topic.

    Thanks for following ;)


    Now, seriously, do you believe this is a good action to be done now at a, so called, "fresh start"? We all know, especially you, that this topic had too much flaming about teams and football. We are all fans of a team, but since we can't argue without flaming then it IS harmful for the community. A chance has been given back in time and I think you wasted it. WRD, isn't in place to moderate the topic, I'm sure of it. And no, that's not because he's a bad moderator/gold member. It's because he's a fan of the current topic's team so he can't really be a good judge. Dunno. I'm not sure of it. I really can't be sure about it.

  8. Νάσο θέλω μία λίστα απο ερωτικά κομματάκια, γιατί δεν έχω τι να ακούσω και μακρόπουλος/γονίδης δεν ταιριάζει στην σημερινή φάση.


    Μου ετοιμάζει και ο Μιχάλης ένα 15λεπτο mix αλλά δεν έχει τελειώσει ακόμα, το άκουσα λίγο και τρελάθηκα με τις αλλαγές ;P


    Καψούρα που λέμε;

  9. Είναι ωραία όταν όλοι κοιμούνται και ξέρεις οτι αύριο θα κοιμάσαι την ώρα που θα είναι αυτοί σχολείο ;p


    ^_^ υπέροχο συναίσθημα ναι. :P



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