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Posts posted by Blane

  1. btw,ξεχνας οτι ειμαστε ακομα μαθητες(και οχι φοιτητες ::) ) οποτε καποια πραγματα συγχωρουνται εως εναν βαθμο


    Δικαιολογίες του πέους μην ακούω παρακαλώ. :D

    Τι τάξη είσαι αγορίνα μου; Δημοτικό ή Γυμνάσιο;

  2. Κούρασε παιδιά μόνο αυτό λέω και όποιος κατάλαβε κατάλαβε. Σταματήστε να βγάζετε ξύγκι απ' τη μύγα και απλά συνεχίστε την καμένη σας ζωή.

  3. I don't remember installing or uninstalling anything related with msn.. :/


    You might use Windows 7 with an XP version of msn. Anyway...



    Maybe downgrading to a lower version of XP's msn version?

  4. fyi, android is the number one selling smartphone os. ;)


    No-one talked about sales. It's more like, uhmm, normal, cause Android is on more devices.


    Saying apple is the top and praise their potentially shit product to highest hights is 2 different thing :)


    You show ignorance when it comes to apple i said shit multitask which is true because it sucks thats a prooven fact and you say just like an apple executive "its the best experience" which is a lie its just about how you present it.


    You talk like someone who pray to steve jobs at every morning to give to the world more junk products like the iphone :D


    Thats not overreacting i just tell you what i see :P



    Well, no I can assure you, I'm not praying to steve jobs :P Well, he's a clever guy, but that's it. I can list Apple's disadvantages, which are many but accepted as for my needs. Multitasking is something that I liked in iOS4. I've experienced it and that's what I said in first hand. :P


    Chill out! No-one said Apple's the top. I just admire the company and its products. :D

  5. Iterpid, you're overreacting, really.


    No-one said Apple is the top. I'm always supporting opensource companies, android itself, google etc..

    Well, tbh maybe android can take down iOS in the future but now, well it still in a low level. Generally, you're not speaking about certain things but you're speaking in general. Apple, does a great job in all of their products and really, you GET what you pay for. Still, prices are in a really high stage right now and that's normal, considering Apple's general purpose. I can't accuse the company for it. Before a year and a half, I bought my MBP and really, I could never regret it. Dunno, I won't say, either that Apple is a religion, or Steve Jobs is a god. There's no god/religion in technology stuff. It sounds stupid. But for sure, Apple is the best alternative (if you have some money) to ANY of M$'s products...


    EDIT: Oh, and lenovo.. hahahahha :P C'moooon...


    Στο χω πει, στο ξαναλέω, τρίτη και θα σου το πω

    όσο ζω και αναπνέω μόνο εσένα θα αγαπώωω


    Στο χω πει, στο ξαναλέω, τρίτη και φαρμακερή

    Αν θα συνεχίσεις έτσι, φεύγω και θα φταίς εσύ





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