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Posts posted by Blane

  1. Ρε μαλάκες ένα forum πεθαμένο είναι γαμώ την παναγία, τι χαλιέστε; Δεν μπήκατε στο staff; ΠΙΟ STAFF; Μάθαμε τώρα. Πολυεθνική το έχετε δει και ψάχνεστε για προαγωγή. Ένα click παραπάνω είναι ο global moderator για να μεγαλώσει το e-kavli σας.



  2. Μ' αρέσει που μιλάτε για benchmarks και ταχύτητα τη στιγμή που το θέλετε μόνο για facebook.


    Anyway, άμα το δεις πιο σοβαρά επιτέλους ένας άνθρωπος που καταλαβαίνει τι και πως: 


    Εγώ στη θέση σου θα περίμενα το 5s. Το 5s με διπύρηνο επεξεργαστή, είναι πιο γρήγορο από το s4 που έχει τετραπύρηνο! Μόνο αυτό θα έπρεπε να σου λέει πολλά. Η samsung έχει προσπαθήσει αρκετές φορές να κλέψει στα benchmarks και πάλι το 5s βγαίνει πιο γρήγορο..


    Γενικά όπως και να το δεις, το iPhone δε γίνεται να συγκριθεί με κανένα άλλο smartphone. Καταρχάς σκέψου ότι το iOS είναι σχεδιασμένο ειδικά για το iPhone, ενώ το Android είναι σχεδιασμένο για να τρέχει σε ένας Θεός ξέρει πόσες συσκευές. Μόνο αυτό ξέρεις τι λέει από άποψη αξιοπιστίας, ταχύτητας και απόδοση μπαταρίας;


    Ψάξε λίγο τι ισχύει πραγματικά, γιατί υπάρχουν πολλοί apple haters γιατί την έχουν δει όλοι να μισούν το mainstream, τι να κάνουμε ρε παιδιά αν το mainstream είναι καλύτερο;


    Όλα αυτά από κάποιον που έχει περάσει αρκετό καιρό και με galaxy και με iPhone.

  3. Τουλάχιστον στον δικό μου τομέα (Πληροφορική) δεν μετράει το πτυχίο. Απλά δεν μετράει. Πάρτο και από το χωριό σου.


    Αν ξέρεις να κάνεις 2-3 πράματα σωστά, αυτά εκτιμούνται στο τέλος.


    Ωστόσο: Προφανώς και θα πάρεις παραπάνω γνώσσεις μαθαίνοντας διακριτά μαθηματικά σε σχέση με τα "μαθηματικά για προγραμματιστές" (γελάω μόνο απ' τον τίτλο). Όσο και να μην μας αρέσουν είναι χρήσιμα τα μπουρδέλα (τα μαθηματικά). 


    Και για τον επίλογο, έχεις πιο πολλές πιθανότητες να κάνεις κάτι σωστά και καλά άμα έχεις τα κατάλληλα εφόδια (που σημαίνει ότι για μένα δεν έχουν ΣΕ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ τα ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ με τα ιδιωτικά).


    Μιλάω πάντα για το δικό μου τομέα!

  4. YES.

    I will focus on finding some investors. Otherwise, the cost is to high .

    For sure is too high but you'd have to have a demo to present to possible investors. If you are so sure about that project I might want to help in exchange of shares. If you are in need of technological assistance, pm me.

  5. My target is to create something like facebook/twitter.

    I'm not gonna need a designer. I will design it personally.


    You told me that the cost for a small project is about 1500€-2000€ .

    What 's the cost for a big project (like fb or twitter) ?

    Unreachable. We have gathered from crowd funding right now around 2-3 million euros and they're still not that much.


    Such kind of projects do not get supported from a person only because it's nearly impossible unless you have some serious money on the bank. They instead get some support with investors. That's the goal of crowd funding. There are also VC (venture capitalists) who invest on a project getting some shares. There's also Kickstarter's way of funding.


    Before looking for money you need to have a clear plan, some nice high fidelity prototypes and generally a sort of demo. Are you so sure about your idea?

  6. Well , first of all thanks for responding.

    My main problem is that i don't know about coding almost nothing ..


    What 's the cost for coding something like that ?

    Also about android app and generally in order to run the social network in cellphone there 's should be a seperate design or not ?


    * What ls that ?



    I'm being paid extremely well to work on that company and I'm one of the 8 total developers there.


    If you're going for a smaller project, with lower target then maybe you need about 1500€-2000€ for the developer and an other 500€ for the designer for sure. But that way you'll keep your target at a low level (meaning not targeting something like twitter/facebook or similar giants).


    User Demo



    The user interface gives you the ability

    to view the site from your members perspective

    of your social network.


    Try User Demo


    Admin Demo


    The admin interface will give you the full

    view of what can be done direct from the admin

    control panel to your social network.


    Try Admin Demo


    Mobile Demo


    Once you have created an account using

    our "User Interface" you can log into our

    Mobile demo using that same account.


    Try Mobile Demo




    Includes 30 Days support

    & 6 months upgrades


    Includes 30 Days support

    & 6 months upgrades


    Includes 90 Days support

    & 6 months upgrades

    *** I can help you with that.. ***



    Oh yeah, or you can use something like this if you intent to have like 10 people online :)

  8. Nothing is so difficult, but it needs good planning. In the company I currently work we're developing our own social network.  The coding is too much if you choose to have a public API for 3rd party developers, and scalability in mind. If you want to scale to maximum you need to consider a smart architecture. In our example: 


    - Front end (the main website) -> Laravel (PHP) for rendering pages (HTML/CSS/JS/LESS etc...)


    - Back end (for every single request) -> NodeJS, MongoDB & express.


    - Android app -> Java, iOS app -> Objective C


    We currently have like 8 developers (and one of them is our CTO). We have a designer, a community manager and a product manager (CEO and CMO excluded from the list). And imagine we're startup. 


    It's more about the money for the infrastructure rather than the development itself.

  9. For old times sake i would, but Blane dont pay too much attention to what others say because most of them complain until till the rest of eternity about anything.


    And for those who still think l2 is dead take a look please http://www.lineage2.es/misc/retail.php




    You know I'll say it again. It's not dead, I just want to revive some memories. Money is not the problem and donations aren't the only way to make money to continue serving a good gameplay. I just wanted to see how many players want to really play the classic L2 that became known to us back then.

  10. Nah mate it probably won't work. Elite is there and it have a great amount of the L2 oldschool community. Same for L2Gold (Dunno if still exists).

    However a C3 or C5 server might do the difference for the simple reason that you will be the only one with that features.


    True, I just wanted to re-bring life to oldschool players with retail rates, not mid-rates or high-rates. Plus, Interlude is now the most famous chronicle for "old school" but I personally remember my best times were those in C4 (baaaack then). C5 was not that biiiig game changer in the history of L2. C3 is well.. too old but maybe yes why not, if files do exist.


    why not, but with bigger rates :P but x3-x5 its not bad too


    Rates are discussable but the scenario claims for a low-rate server. x15 is considered mid-rate, right?


    No ty


    Thanks for explaining the reasons.


    only if botting is allowed


    Botting will be semi-allowed (if a GM catches you botting, you might end-up kicked).


    Nope.. Hate that like you die u drop ur items ^^


    That's a setting and besides, it is fair, isn't it? :P


  11. This is a test and I can't really reveal anything yet.


    The server description:


    Retail-like C4 server with low rates (x3-x5), nothing custom, nothing edited, balanced with NO donations. DDoS protected, lagless and the rest of crappy stuff you all interested to are included of course.


    Please vote and remain as serious as you can, it's important to me.

    Discussions are welcome!


    Thanks in advance for your replies & votes!


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