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Everything posted by Dividerz

  1. Another waste of energy server :/
  2. srv was 2hour playble but now cant even log..just gives disconnect
  3. I could come only to rider wyrm there xD But wep site seems down.
  4. soz i had l2kill server patch :DD too drunk ;)
  5. :P
  6. bump
  7. Dont dowload system.. debugger virus
  8. Im not gonna make acco to 4share for 1 file.. and it also says its infected???? ADD mediafire or speedshare and i try ur server.
  9. Like i say before.. vote reward gives 50% stats and unlimited donations. Easy votes & money but most of ppl are too stupid to understand it.
  10. Vote reward fail badly, gives 50% more stats. Gl to ppl who dont vote everyday, Also mana reuse 15 sec :D Dont even think about going this server.
  11. Shup up faking greek trash, come to olynth and i show u some team play idiot, :) Or u still keep playing in l2rainbow where is 3 ppl online and unlmited enchant/buffs? Cant join clan?? wtf?? i only have to enter gira and all spam me clan invite like in every server, and u decide if its solo or not? pff get life kid. All time isee u spam every lineage topic what is exist here. ok ty bb. In the future i /ignore all of ur posts.
  12. Dear, LightWay, U dont even know me, how u can say that? I wanna help ppl to get playable server ppl can have fun, coz there is none playble server right now. And i dont have resources to get own one. Also ivseen too many server fail, btw; i have friends and ivbeen in too many clan. Think befroe start talking trash in forums. If you have further questions regarding my experience send me pm.
  13. So u gonna make own server but u dont know how to make it playble? I can give u some suggestions if u need them :P just pm
  14. So im looking 1000x-2000x freya/h5 server where is non blank 1 pvp/farm zone with many spawns (spawn randomly one of those after die, not to town) Like abandoned coal mines, statako nest, dragon valley cave etc. Interlude is ok too if top armor is apella. But main think is there is walls, and pvp farm zone is same.
  15. Im saying its autoflag, 2 blank zones w/o walls, 3-4 spawn near each others so that tells everthing. Just 1 clan/ally dickholding whole zone and zerking everyone at spawn. + endless circle running to chase archers/tricksters.
  16. Make another shopping area or smt, those offline bots shops are so annoying. Not gonna join before that.
  17. Pfff...http://wargods.eu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=231 Its l2dose but different name and wiped. Darkcore=wargods
  18. Fail server with 2 zerk zone, Gl to go there to get spawn killed.
  19. 1000x farm server with 10 different farm zone. /Fail Also no playple pvp zone or reward from pvp. max 5 ppl on
  20. Yes i want also server like l2forever! l2forever items and after that titanium :P
  21. Lf DarkNiky from l2forever :D
  22. So im looking for c6/freya server with ENG global chat and active staff. No Homemade copy script server with retarded staff or w/o ddos protection Thx. C6 with apella top armor any know? or any server with ACM pvp farm zone?
  23. LF freya/interlude/h5 1000-5000x server with ACM=abandoned coal mines PVP/FARM ZONE. Any?
  24. Still lf server with those specs!! Any?
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