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  1. Hi, I'm selling a Multi-Faction Engine what does it do ? It has all the usage from a ordinary faction engine + you can rearange the number of factions any way you like by only including a faction whith its configuration to the faction file. This alows to change from 2 to 3 factions or the other way around whith out any problems. You will never have to go and edit you pack from the Java side. Also it includes a lot of configurations This is a fully configurational faction engine whith everithing (maps,flags ant full configurations) if you need more info PM Also it includes the Recreation book it's a "recipe creation method" you define any recipe in its config file and you can later on create it in game as you defined it (just to add ecen more fun in to the Custom mode) Photo: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2rntpar.jpg price 35 Euros for everithing (sorce) Contacts [here int the forum] Skype Skilas.lt (it's the name of the skype :) )
  2. 15-20 Bump Info updated [more coming soon whith ss in game]
  3. Thank you for the share and ceep it up ^^
  4. You need to increse the limit this is doen through configs + add the properties that the player needs to have to get the level (edit the experience file) Hope this helped...
  5. Beta online start is comming this week probobly (atleast we hope for no scrue ups...)
  6. Server's spec's: Server runs on a REALY overpower system (for a l2j server ;D) Based on a really detailed Avd-Faction engine Custom Icons(and that's it for custom things Sgr FTW!) Servers PvP balance is always being improved B gr free everything else is for adena Max up to 10+ to armors/weps/jewels And a really minimalistic Donate (No overpowering for donators) 2 rival faction experience One of a kind experience so try it out! L2.Skilas Aministaration website www.l2.skilas.lt (recreation will be done soon so stay tuned and dont forget to try out our test server) P.S this is just the heads up of whats comming !
  7. 1. Beyond C4-C6 2. BFD:R C4-Hellbound
  8. Hello to all the Maxcheaters out there ;) FACTION :Start date Announced 13.02.16 Stay tuned for more details :) We are a project development team from lithuania and this is what our Lineage 2 servers offer to those who come to play: FACTION SERVER'S INFO: Full Info of the Faction server that will start tommorow: Faction server: 2 Sides to Chose From (Village vs City) Haigh grade gear [sgr] is coming only from PvP/Spec Raid Hunts Use parts from broken Sgr items to forge your weapons/armors/juwel and go to war Unique Play stile: Map engine whith 12 maps Random Chance to summon Raid in the map for bonus reward Raid Drops: [Anthara (Hard To Kill)] 20-25 Chests (each kind 50%) SA Cristals 1-2 35% 1-10 Ls (TOP) 65% Hero/Nobles/Rec Coins 1-2 50% Adena 20-70 78% x2 [benom (Easyer Kill)] 10-15 Chests (each kind 50%) SA Cristals 1 35% 1-5 Ls (TOP) 65% Hero/Nobles/Rec Coins 1 50% Adena 20-70 78% Coin used to gain hero status until log off [Through shop/Rb] Permenent Nobles through Coin [Rb/Shop] PERMENENT Hero status when 800PvP is reached Weapon/Armor/Reagen chests from Pvp/Flags/Rb Chaos Event [Gm Haste 2lvl 2Mins] Castle Seage 3 Castles only No Olympiad for now [other ways used to gain Hero status will be changed if players will ask to do so] Buffs not removed after death Pvp protection NO reward if you kill the same person twice No reward if you have a box in your party [reward goes to one char only] You need 50 Pvp points to use Agr equipment And 100 Pvp points to use Sgr equipment Max enchant +10 to everything 1 Agumentation Skill is used on 1 Char For all times Shops: Scheme Buffer Recreation Forge General Store [Other Masters/Wendors/Enchanters] What else will there be added at 13.02.15? Full drop lists and chematics Special Skilas Updater will be added Today Good luck and let there be chaos!! more info will be available as the date comes closer :) L2.Skilas Aministaration website www.l2.skilas.lt (recreation will be done soon so stay tuned and dont forget to try out our test server) BTW: we are gaming project that offers these servers :Cs1.6,Mc,L2 More info www.skilas.lt Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cs.skilas
  9. Any one up for some random Pics ?
  10. Yey some place to join in :happyforever:
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