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Everything posted by `PrivaTe

  1. 1. Low population 2. Unbalanced 3. Bye
  2. pote 8a aniksei?
  3. I dont care about you and your staff just try to make a server with protections and WITHOUT corruptions, any kind of corruption means LEAVE.
  4. I'll try it, hope it's balanced (y)
  5. Not interesting, up
  6. i can't login..
  7. I'll give a try at opening (:
  8. Hello all, after long time i'm back to l2 and i search for a good server (: .. i want the server to be: 1) 101% Interlude :P 2) Pvp rate, or mid. 3) With custom items (balanced) , i prefer l2gold weapons if you know any server. 4) Good staff. 5) New server or server 1 month MAX opened, that means 1 month server have over 200 ppl on daily. 6) Server with forum. If you know server with those things let me know , thanks !!!!
  9. sapia avizi oust
  10. gn
  11. nai sovaralogo twra
  12. oh sh1t , never man
  13. 8elw kai egw
  14. ante vre mouni apo kapu to eides
  15. ela 8a skasw pes tin lysh :rage:
  16. pmed
  17. `PrivaTe


    o gampros poulaei tsampouka kai ton spaw ti mitii
  18. `PrivaTe


    pipes les
  19. if you can okay (:
  20. Hey, i'm searching for a LOL Account in EAST . 1) I want to be 30 lvl acc. 2) With many champions 3) With many many skins, this is the most important for me. 4) I dont care to much about ELO, i accept it if have over 900 elo. The price will be disscused but i'm not interested to pay a lot of money. Propably trade will be under middleman help. Thanks.
  21. `PrivaTe


    to mouni dn milaei oute leksi dn exei tpt na pei , to mouni dinei mono mouni o alitiz 8elei na gamisei to mouni na kapnisei to xasis
  22. `PrivaTe


    ta grafei sto boutso tou ola kai kanei lefta me alitia dn fovate astynomia
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