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Everything posted by CriticalError

  1. xaxa infinity nice colours eh nice shield but maybe u can add effect for example TexEnvMap .. what u think?anyway thx for share
  2. yes but with penciles u make some colors for like it..not selecting layers and press CTRL+B ok i dont want spam more see a
  3. listen Infinity i use not 1 tool for edit my DDS and Pencil=Brushes but u have much pencils is different brush,each doing something different course but I do not think you should say so if you're smart and know what you should friend
  4. pls bro paint better ur weapons :P these became fashionable colors and agreed that there are more colors is my opinion not to take the bad
  5. maybe later bro im finished my work 4 minuts ago and need sleep *-* but someday login MSN xD see a
  6. yes sorry pencils xaxaxa need make much u need make many layers paint colors and agreed to leave the colors you desire :P
  7. omg wtf is that xaxaxa orange with what color do u convine?well keep ur sharing equal bro
  8. i don`t like it but but u are new client modding xaxaxa and well abour ur answer u can paint with some pincels and too need they agreed to give color effects of brightness, etc,etc and well and well learn and write more about it :) seea
  9. nice for explaint it Imperium :) problem solved xaxaxa
  10. well i dont like it but for beggining its ok keep up ;)
  11. Maxtor thank you very much I appreciate this and as I said before when I write the credits is not because I have not or because the person making the post is not the creator of this but thank you very much for all this is a very good forum and I congratulate you Maxtor
  12. xaxaxa thank u TheRuleZzZ i apprecita ur words ;) take care
  13. again thank u very much A-Style and all member who help me :)
  14. credits i dont know i find in ragezone buyt dont have credits well im share things that are not in any single server and the post here but the reason to hide my post is to give some priority to people who do nothing to say so in the forum and are recorded only for things and get off now and not help anyone then that is what I want to help in that investigation but are concerned about things never know anything and always will have to rely on another is my opinion without offending PD= problem solved
  15. well i dont belive it -.- u give me -1karma for not give credits just find it in web russ but he not creator of this is a reason not give credits man and too i give credits when i see credits but its ok for me is not good u give me -1 karma u are happy giving karma its ok u are moderator not me
  16. well i don´t know xD just find it forum russ xaxax and post here this is not my work but i believe the mob´s not have nothing special with originals xaxxa see a
  17. yes but those colors are already past are always the same thing would also not very well colors are very strong is my opinion see a
  18. and now well for done my shares today with 3 new mob´s nothing special but still something :D http://rapidshare.com/files/113667026/_Share_New_Monsters__IL_.rar
  19. well guys here leave other more of formal wear for female magic :P I like edition is very good enjoy Credits don't remember I get from chinese forum
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