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Everything posted by OneAndOnlyy

  1. yes im all scammers at that site get lost kid...
  2. 85 iss 40 eur LOL
  3. give us proofs kid :) Solonoolembe is scammer but i dont have proofs who will trust me? damn troll
  4. anyway i waiting proofs that i scammed you otherwise i will report you to moderator to be banned for false info
  5. i`m the only one who didnt understand what you just said? ;o
  6. mach1nista/shillientemplar/samigr are new created ? you are soo silly :) please someone to clean up that sh1t cause Stormeris who had 0 proofs about anything created new acc just to f1ck up my trade
  7. send us proofs,skype converations name of character you sended adena and i will agree im scammer? :) you`re not first trying to Troll someone cause he is useless garbage in real life
  8. lol kid.. give us proofs? 10 post user make new profile and call people scammer , good try kiddo :P
  9. ty to bojovi or any moderator that cleaned my Bumps :P even if i lost 40 posts :D
  10. hmmm he wanted to sell me 3kkk and pretended he has 13kkk+ that guy N3ked and of course wanted money first.. thanks EpicTrades for posting before i get scammed
  11. oh,ty masashi +1 for you too /Bumping/
  12. you must write at what server you know not all are mediums :)
  13. Bumping O-o waiting Lain to be online and i will trade with MXC member N4KED i think for 3kkk
  14. WTB ADENAS INNOVA CORE 0.10/1kk Need Over 2kkk[ WTB 96+ kamael tyrr innova core
  15. Octavis Neclase Sold
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