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About americanfree

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  1. Server Have Bugs and Bugs and More bugs. Closed server Again. Bugs Skills, Bugs Quests, Dont have economy for item, Low Population and .online Edited for more ppls. GM cant view ticket. skills and another bugs announce on Beta, and dont Fix. instance, boz, tauti, transken, CC infinity, tauti infinity jump hard to kill. sorry GM, Fail Again. Please search another Dev for help u. because u server is 5% done for play!
  2. have test key ?
  3. Big lag from NA and EU players!
  4. ::Lineage 2 DarkSun: Goddess of Destruction Lindvior::: Dynamic Quests: Demons of Darkness, Labyrinth of Harnak, Memorial Service, Orbis Temple (All Stages), Seed of HellFire Instances: All High Five Instances, Altar Shilien, Bergano, Harnak, Kartia, Istina, Tauti, Teredor, Vullock, etc -L2-Scripts Lindvior Files -All Campains -All 34 class individual are back in Awaken (4 JOB) -Dual Class -Equips, R, R95 and R99 -Active Geodata -Bot and Hack Protection ::LINDVIOR 100x:: XP: 100x SP: 100x ADENA: 100x DROP: 5x SPOIL: 10x Room dedicated to the lovers of the new generation of Lineage 2 . Ancient Many players do not like the episodes Goddess of Destruction because many things have changed , including the introduction of the fourth class change ( JOB 4 ) . This , in turn , generalizes the more than 34 classes in just 8 after the fourth shift JOB level 85 . This error , however , was repaired only in Lindvior version , where all 34 are back . Thus , there are now 34 classes Wednesday JOB totally individual . Simply use the BEST currently existing build , L2 -Scripts ( http://l2-scripts.ru/index.php?show_aux_page=28 ) . Around the world , there is a better design than these Russian developers . We do not just use your server but also its protection system and its Geodata , created and fully repaired to Lindvior . We are staying in a large DataCenter with online availability proven 100 % . The same has already been paid to " January 2015 " . A major concern of players with new servers is because if they remain online and will close one hour to another . We perform automatic backups every day. We have anti hack protection systems in our two rooms , which ensures the safety of the players and the server . Call all your friends and come check . Welcome all ! Suport Multilanguage. http://www.l2darksun.com/
  5. Primeiro Servidor Lindvior do Brasil. Servidor esta em fase de teste final. acredito que apartir do dia 27/01/2014 ja estara disponivel o "*Live beta" para os players. *Live beta = Servidor aberto para teste onde nao havera wipe. Possiveis Rates. Servidor PVP Farm. XP, SP = 100 a 500x Adena = 100x Drop = 1x [com eventos de 2 a 3 x Drop] Grand Boss = Drop Retail Custom [ Dropando ate 2 Joias ate o fim do Live Beta ] Moedas de Farm ainda a definir. [ oculpado arrumando skills e classes esqueci de escolher a moeda de farm. ] Weapons Dragon OK. Appearence OK. Skills Lindvior Funcionando. Raid Boss, Grand Boss OK. Ja possuimos Tambem atualização para Valliance, mais so lancaremos quando estiver devidamente corrigida para um servidor PVP. [15% concluida] Assim que tiver o servidor estiver online Aviso a voces e edito o Post com tudo ok. Começou o BETA TESTE ... http://www.L2epeisodion.esy.es English . First Lindvior Server Brazil. Server is undergoing final testing. I believe that starting the day 1/27/2014 is already available the "* Live beta" for the players. * Live Server = beta open for testing where there will be no wipe. Possible Rates. PVP Server Farm. XP, SP = 100 to 500x Adena = 100x Drop 1x = [events with 2 to 3 x Drop] Grand Boss Drop = Retail Custom [Dropping Jewels 2 up to the end of the Live Beta] Farm coins still to be defined. [Oculpado arranging skills classes and forgot to choose the currency farm. ] Dragon weapons OK. Appearence OK. Skills Lindvior Running. Raid Boss, Boss Grand OK. We also have to update Ja Valliance, more so when launch properly corrected to a PVP server. [15% completed] Once you have the server is online notice to you and edit the post with everything ok. Start BETA TEST www.l2epeisodion.esy.es
  6. Sorry for bad infor. the correct infor is Safe +10 Use Aio Book Enchant or Use Blessed. Max + 16. Need Divine enchant, for take divine enchant in BOSS event, Grand Boss and other boss. Or donate in Crystal Event. Other solutions, need system only english ask me. Up And go register and play.. http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree Please visit Link for Help Me...
  7. This server open in 28/07/2013 dont old server. News. Add appearence stone. weekend drop folded
  8. Rates EXP/SP: 100x Party EXP/SP: 2x Adena: 100x Enchant Rate: 100% (+10)/60 (+11) Safe Enchant: +3 (Max +10) General 2 Hours Buffs (24+4 Slots). Auto pickup / Auto Learn Skills. Global Gatekeeper and Basic NPC Buffer. Itens C-S Grade on shops (S-Grade Difficulted). Subclass Cost item (Easy) and Noblesse Quest Retail. PVP/PK announce with locations (more PVP on locations). New characters starts level 1 with No-Grade items.. Olympiad and Heroes Olympiad fights every day at 18:00PM ~ 12:00PM (-3 GMT). Hero status period 2 weeks. Announce with olympiad period time (how much time for ends). Sistema de Patente ao matar 1 player voce ganha medal e vai evoluindo sua patente, quanto maior sua patente maior vai ser sua quantidade de medal Servidor Unico e Exclusivo, SEM BOTS, Walker, CP Reload. Classes Balanceadas, sem roubo, sem itens donater apelao. Medium Farm, Fica full em 1 dia so depende de voce. English : Patent system to kill 1 player you win medal and evolves its patent, the higher your rank will be your largest amount of medal Server Unique and Exclusive WITHOUT BOTS, Walker, CP Reload. Balanced classes, no theft, no items donater apelao. Medium Farm, It is full in 1 day so depends on you. * ALL PROGRAM THAT GG Detect Hacker as BAN and so is asking pro adm take on facebook!! PVP much., 100 + ON *TODO PROGRAMA QUE O GG Detect como Hacker é BAN e so pedindo pro adm tirar no facebook!!! :rage: Site Pra registro e download do Game http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree http://theengo.com/acp/client/9?page=invite&account=americanfree
  9. Protocolo da System : 448, 449 Language Pack: EU-RU Rev e block max 10 players .[anyone who can solve solution please post] and XMLs encoded.[anyone who can solve solution please post] *solved +add -removed FIX LIST Download.>http://dump.ru/file/5848579
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