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Everything posted by lwcdr

  1. Its run bot on this server or is impossible?
  2. Please try again. http://www.rpgplay.net/ Cliente Freya 1,5k+++ player
  3. http://www.rpgplay.net/ Server on 12/01/11. Is there any bot for this server?
  4. i need l2w oog or ig for new server lineage 2... ip from server; this server use fire.dll and Server Hellbound http:www.lineageii.com.br Thx
  5. dsetup (wildcard) - disables GameGuard on Lineage II clients Interlude (746) through Gracia: Final. How to use? Copy dsetup.dll to \system - replace the existing dsetup.dll http://rapidshare.com/files/249815018/wildcard.rar
  6. ;Fyyre ;http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ ; ; a brief howto: This dll does one thing. It hooks DeleteFileA in the L2.exe process and makes it do nothing. This prevents BakeIce from deleting the host file by calling DeleteFileA. If you do not have LordPE already, please go now and download it from the RCE library at woodmann -->> http://www.woodmann.com/collaborative/tools/images/Bin_LordPE_2007-10-21_1.48_LordPE_1.41_Deluxe_b.zip now copy NoDelHosts.dll to Lineage II\system folder .. and follow the adding_import.pdf directions. Why do we patch L2.exe? I tell you... BakeIce copies L2.exe as either Game_Guard.des or GameGuard.des (depending on server) each time you run it. When author patches this, we will hook another file in system folder. -Fyyre Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/249813736/NoDelHosts.rar
  7. If y have money to spend ofc y will get it... But i think its the best pack for free
  8. I will just put the server files, without geodata and html.. This pack is a complete pack that many old servers dont have... so i am not scripting more and i will share with y all.. http://rapidshare.com/files/243837272/Servidor_C6_Comppleto.rar Pass: lapadanarachada IF Y LIKE JUST SAY THANKS If y need geodata and html files get it here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51214.0
  9. it works on Retail Server and in NA Official Server
  10. i cant found i post with this crack sorry..
  11. This is ready to use just open xzCrk.exe and click to open walker http://rapidshare.com/files/238022418/L2Walker10.9.7.rar I have tested in NA Oficial Servers. If y like just say thanks. Ps.: Close all Game windows open, than open crack.
  12. ofc y dont need i just inform y the ids...
  13. Label(Start) Delay(10000) !CharBuffs(yourcharname,Prophecy of Fire[iD=1356]) { RequestJoinParty(your buffer,0) } delay(5000) CharBuffs(your buffer,Prophecy of Fire[iD=1356]) { RequestOutParty(yourbuffer) } Jmp(Start) Run this script in the char y want receive the buffs If y like plz say thanks This are the prophecys ID :p skill_id = 1355 skill_level = 1 name = [Prophecy of Water] skill_id = 1357 skill_level = 1 name = [Prophecy of Wind] skill_id = 1356 skill_level = 315 name = [Prophecy of Fire]
  14. y dont need rename the l2.bin.. Do This... 1 - Open Walker 2.09 2 - Open laucher and launch game L2walker will work because it scan y system to get control of l2.exe or l2.bin threads
  15. i think it was the faster crack posted here :p if i get news i will inform you.
  16. Working Cracker for Oficial Servers NA - Gracia Final Crack - http://rapidshare.com/files/226894802/xzCrk_10.9.5a.zip L2 Walker http://www.towalker.net/down/L2Walker10.9.5a.zip http://www.towalker.net/down/tL2Walker10.9.5a.zip Plz say thanks.
  17. About pics sorry i dont have server up now but about fix yes it have all fixes all raidds baium frinteza quest valakas already have custom adena for donate exchange donators skills titanium, dk sets and dynast sets, weapon and jewels all with working SA, and have 7 days dinasty sets for events if y need :p Ps.: i have the complete System just need change to y specifc server... NpcBuffer Donator Npc and all u need all all all. :p System http://rapidshare.com/files/152416410/Patch.rar
  18. Complete interlude server with all y need to setup a server. IF Y LIKE JUST SAY THANKS. Server Files - Interlude Complete and with amazing addons -Donater Skills, custom sets and weapons: http://rapidshare.com/files/155381359/serverinterlud.part01.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/155390210/serverinterlud.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/155405729/serverinterlud.part03.rar Pass for server files:eusoomaximomsm Laucher - With Source Code http://rapidshare.com/files/155364677/L2Uv2.0.2_w_sources_.7z Data Base Scripts http://rapidshare.com/files/155364185/DBscripts.rar KeyGen for Cashed and L2Server http://rapidshare.com/files/155364058/keygens.rar ACC Creator http://rapidshare.com/files/155363840/Account_Creator.zip Firewall - Best firewall for me :p http://rapidshare.com/files/155363706/W_F_64-bit.rar
  19. it will work as freeware for 10 days after this y need get a original licence. Frist y need a md5 code that are encoded insed licence and it is controled by ur user name(login) and before that y need a name and code to register it inside the l2control.
  20. This Walker is ready for oficial server, not for private. Ty for remenber this.. Tested and Working...
  21. tested today and working :p
  22. Hey here is the walker :p Working on gracia http://rapidshare.com/files/137526827/Wlaker_10.9.rar.html
  23. sorry. y must download serverpack and fix i forgot to fix the server pack. The fix is just about Skills in HotBar... and it just work on win64 The HTML is to fix some stuffs... Cya
  24. yes i will re-upload now sorry
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