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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Oti dn exei vrei tpt upopto apo kanena anti-virus...!
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=12212.0 http://l2db.ru/crests.php?page=2 http://l2db.ru/crests_ally.php http://lin2.warcry.com/images/gallery/83 1.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19987.0 2.http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=407.0 NEXT TIME SEARCH OR YOUR KARMA WILL BE DECREASED..! This is the last warning... Search the forum.. It simply and easy... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  3. File L2Optimised.rar received on 06.25.2008 12:27:28 (CET) Current status: Loading ... queued waiting scanning finished NOT FOUND STOPPED Result: 0/33 (0%) Antivirus Version Last Update Result AhnLab-V3 2008.6.25.0 2008.06.25 - AntiVir 2008.06.25 - Authentium 2008.06.24 - Avast 4.8.1195.0 2008.06.25 - AVG 2008.06.25 - BitDefender 7.2 2008.06.25 - CAT-QuickHeal 9.50 2008.06.23 - ClamAV 0.93.1 2008.06.25 - DrWeb 2008.06.25 - eSafe 2008.06.24 - eTrust-Vet 31.6.5904 2008.06.25 - Ewido 4.0 2008.06.24 - F-Prot 2008.06.24 - F-Secure 7.60.13501.0 2008.06.24 - Fortinet 2008.06.25 - GData 2.0.7306.1023 2008.06.25 - Ikarus T3. 2008.06.25 - Kaspersky 2008.06.25 - McAfee 5324 2008.06.24 - Microsoft 1.3604 2008.06.25 - NOD32v2 3216 2008.06.25 - Norman 5.80.02 2008.06.24 - Panda 2008.06.25 - Prevx1 V2 2008.06.25 - Rising 2008.06.25 - Sophos 4.30.0 2008.06.25 - Sunbelt 3.0.1153.1 2008.06.15 - Symantec 10 2008.06.25 - TheHacker 2008.06.25 - TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2008.06.25 - VBA32 2008.06.25 - VirusBuster 2008.06.23 - Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.06.25 - USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK
  4. 1.Dn einai ratsismos... 2.Pios sou eipe oti kaneis dn 8elei na paiksei enan metafrasmeno sta ellinika private server ektos ta 12xrona ? Nomizeis dld oti oloi megaloi k mikroi gnorizoun teleia agglika k kaneis dn 8elei na dieukolin8ei apo to game katanoOntas to kalutera me apla ka8ara ellinika ? 3.Epeidi ta agglika einai h episimi glossa ti paei na pei auto ? Oti dn mporoume na to metafrasoume to game se mia alli glossa... Apo tn stigmi p exoume ta hmtl me tis omilies einai 8ema xronou k na exeis meraki gia na to kaneis... 4.Twra esy gt tin eides toso magkas ? Ntax xalarwse to... kseforotese ligo magkia k afise ta paidia na prospa8isoun... 5.Milas gia ratsismo..... O server p 8a metafrastei... an mpei sto hopZone 8a exei tin elliniki simaia.. k otan mpainei kapoios sto site 8a dinete info oti einai apokleistika metafrasmenos mono gia ellineS se elliniki glossa.. Egw auto dn to lew ratsismo.... An k duskoli h douleia... 6.Oso gia to oti ntopiazoume tn xwra mas... Nai to vrikes oloi to l2 koitane....... Meine isixos exoume alla pragmata gia na ntepomaste... . 7.Stop flamming.... 1rst warning...
  5. Perasa.... :) 10.4 ^_- Gamisa pali...
  6. Yeah this is true there are many gta saN andreas players :-// I wish maxtor to make a section in the future for gta single player and multiplayer... Damn it is so c00l game..!!! Special the online game You can play rpg servers and there you must follow the rules.. u know (traffic signals , speed etc... ) and other stunt custom serverS or Cops and robbers or Deathmatch serversSS So many moDeS>...! We can make many categories... -Gta scripting (Make your own stunts , roads , cars) -Gta cheats & codes & exploits & hacks (Single and multiplayer) -Gta DownloadS (Share modified custom cars , bikes, buldings everything custom that we can add to our game/server) -Gta videos -Gta general discussion (Talk about everything) -Gta tips and tricks (Talk about hidden places and how to find hidden itemS , or talk about other tricks) -Gta saves games 100% -Gta skins -Gta custom mapS -Gta patches (FixeD bugs etc...) -Gta tools And many others xDDDDDDDDDD Anyway i hope one day maxtor will make a categorie :'(
  7. Your friend was logged to msn from lineage II ...
  8. 1.It is anti-hack... 2.Read below... Changes in version 1.7: Text now appears shortly when cheat-key is pressed. Playerlist for better playerteleportation FAQ: Q: I can't use SAMP anymore after i installed the anti-cheat-crack. A: Happens if samp-version is not the same as the anti-cheat-crack. You need to restore the original samp.dll or reinstall samp. Q: How do i install the anti-cheat-crack? A: Make a backup copy of the samp.dll in your Gta directory. After that copy all the files from the anti-cheat-crack directory inside the Gta directory. Q: How do i get to the menu? A: Press F10. Q: I get an internal error during the samp-game, what should i do? A: This error happens because of the anti-cheat. You can try to use the anti-cheat-crack, but if the error still happens, you would need to wait till the next version. Q: I can't remember the url where i downloaded this, can you tell it me? A: http://hosted.filefront.com/TheCrazyT ... there are older/newer version of this trainers,too. Q: I want to help to develop the trainer. Do you need any coders? A: Not at the main trainer ... i want to keep the source of the program on my own. If you want to help and have the knowledge ,you can code some scm scripts for the script-menu. I would give you some credits inside the trainer,too. Q: After i used this trainer and played around with some stuff i can not longer connect to some of the sa-mp servers.Why? A: You maybe got banned. This can happen and is only your fault. The admins allways have the power to do something like that, so you should know what you do with this trainer. Q: Some functions(like weaponcheat,hydraspawn,etc.) work on single player, but not crash on sa-mp.Why? A: Some features currently crash on sa-mp because the developers of sa-mp made some routines that check for weapon-cheats, etc. this produces the crash and will be resolved in future (i hope). Q: I get some errors when i start the program.What should i do? A: Contact me ... sometimes people are not able to use it. Q: The trainer crashes inside the script-menu when i try to start a script.Why? A: Congrats. You are one of the minority that have this problem ... atm. it is not solveable because i do not know what makes this happen. If you want to help me, you can contact me (so that i can solve this problem for the rest of the minority,too). Q: What is the CTTPlugins folder good for? A: In the gta-folder this directory exist because you can add some scm-scripts into the select folder.(it will be listed in the script-menu after that) Q: How do i install this? A: Execute install.exe and follow the instructions. If you do not see the path after:"Install the trainer to:". Write "n" and press enter. After that insert the complete installation path. manual install: copy all files to the gta directory and rename install.exe into CrazyTTrainer.exe. Q: I want to have more features, why don't you add some other features to it? A: New stuff will come with the release of the final version of samp Q: What can i expect in the future? A: No idea ... i'm nearly out of ideas ... if you have any,you can post some comments on the site where you downloaded it. Q: How do i use those scripts in the script-menu? A: Some are just examples, some are copied from other sites. If you search on google about script-names in combination with "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" you might find a tutorial on how to use them. (some have a description inside the menu,too - some do not and are only for testing - i also inserted the source of every .scm file ... so you can see what the scripts do) Q: I'm sick of this crap, how do i uninstall it? A: Currently there is (gladly :-P) only an installation-programm. You can remove the files manually by deleting the re.dll,CrazyTTrainer.exe, CTTPlugins folder from the maindirectory of gta. Depending on how you installed the program you might also delete the C.T.Trainer-* links from your Desktop. 3.You can do many things when you install this.. Numpad divide - Store teleport coordinates Numpad multiply - Teleport to stored coordinates Note: You can have up to 5 different teleport keys, see the .ini file. P - Return to previous teleport location Insert - Toggle "invincibility" (enabled by default, .ini for settings) Pause - Toggle "safe haven" HP cheat Left Alt - Nitro (.ini for settings) Left Shift - Air break Right Shift - Air break on foot + Left Ctrl - Slow down air break + W - Move forward + S - Move backwards + A - Move left + D - Move right + Up - Up + Down - Down + U - Pitch (down) + J - Pitch (up) + H - Yaw (left) + K - Yaw (right) + N - Roll (left) + M - Roll (right) Note: The behaviour of the air break movement keys can be changed in the .ini file. R - Warp Factor: -beep- You (release to teleport back to your original position) In stick mode, this key will always warp towards the car you're sticking to. When on foot, this will enable the aimbot code. M - Map with player names Delete - Flip the car upright (hold it down to rotate the car) End - Stick to other players Home - Stick to the nearest player PageUp - Previous player PageDn - Next player W - Moves forward S - Moves backwards A - Moves left D - Moves right Up - Moves up Down - Moves down U - Moves towards the other vehicle J - Moves away from the other vehicle 4.Teleporter high buliding Airport police station AreA 51 Liberty City shop underwater cj mssion1 station ss 5.Hack program... Feature's ----------- - Global - 3 Menu's - Easy to use Activate Hotkey's Weather Cheat Game Speed Gravity Teleport City Teleport Spot's Airmove Fly Money Cheat Remove Motion Blur Window Mode - Casino Cheating * Rulet Hack * Blackjack Hack * Gamblin Stats Hack - Player - Health Player Armor Player Unlimited Ammo No Reload Infinite Oxygen Infinite Stamina High Jump Water Walk A Give Menu for everything you need! Allow Weapon's Indoor's Air Break - Car - Health Car Fly Perfect Handling All Cars Have Nitro NOS Self Destruct Spin Function Drive On Water Give Jetpack Air Break Un Flip Free Pay 'n Spray Anti Fall Of Bike Hot Key's ----------- - Activate Cheat Menu 1 = F12 - Activate Give Menu 2 = F11 - Activate Teleport Menu 3 = F10 - Turn Jetpack/Car Fly On = F2 - increase X Coodinates = Numpad 9 - decrease X Coodinates = Numpad 3 - increase Y Coodinates = Numpad 4 - decrease Y Coodinates = Numpad 6 - increase Z Coodinates = Numpad 8 - decrease Z Coodinates = Numpad 2 - Unlimited Nitro = END - Un Flip = Page Down - Airbreak = Numpad 7 - Spin Function = Numpad 5 - Self Destruct = F3 MORE INFO IN THE RAR FILE FOR THE EACH HACK
  9. Yeah it is true... 5 hacking programs for gta san andreas sa-mp online gaming... SA-MP is a multiplayer mod for the PC version of Rockstar's GTA: San Andreas, which allows people to play together over the internet or a LAN. HACK PACK includes... -m0d_s0beit 3.54 for SA-MP 0.2(THE BEST ONE) -place manage 3.0.1 for SA-MP 0.2 -V0gelz Mod Reborn for SA-MP 0.2 -CrazyT Trainer 1.7 for SA-MP 0.2 Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/124540729/GTA_SAN_ANDREAS_MULTIPLAYER__HACKS.rar Password: www.maxcheaters.com Enjoy ppl :-*
  10. [Hidden post: You need reply to this topic to see it.] Reply to see... :-\ EDIT: Great share... They are lookS AmaZinGGG..!!
  11. blueberry's Caffeine wallhack v1.1 (Remake!) alright so the other public ver. had a few bugs sorry! *********** New Features. *********** Far Ranged Wallhack (may cause fps drop sorry!) NoFlash Noadds *********** Credits: stealthf1 VirusToTaL ResultS: ile blueberrys_Caffeine_wallhack_v1.1 received on 06.23.2008 20:52:33 (CET) Current status: Loading ... queued waiting scanning finished NOT FOUND STOPPED Result: 13/33 (39.4%) Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/68286370/blueberrys_Caffeine_wallhack_v1.1.rar.html *Don't tested from me...
  12. OK guyZZz :) Thanks all for your warms welcoming :-* Enough... i am already back 2 days ago :) The shares are coming very s00n as i promiseD..! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  13. Oups... :// FixED :D Fuck michigan ^_^
  14. To pm to eida... Alla opws eixa anaferei kapou palia dn apantw pleon se wareZ requests gt exw vare8ei ka8e mera na pernw PM's k meta na psaxnw na sas vrw... Gt dn einai enas k 2 einai polloi users p me stelnoune akura minimata k requests... Loipon dn itan anagki na anoikseis new topiC ena parapano Pm an estelnes dn 8a xalage o kosmos.. Eipame edw einai spam topiC alla oxi gia tn ka8e vlakeia na anoigete 8ema.. Spam games klp epitrepontai oxi ka8e ti pou skeftestai.... Anyway , ta DragOnball epeisodia pou 8es protou to "z" dn ta exw se ellinika... Oti ellinika kserw einai ekei p se eipa na psakseis.. gia auto k dn sou apantisa sto PM... Anyway(2) An ta vrw kamia mera mprosta m se kana forum 8a sta steilw se pm... <TOPIC LOCKED>
  15. Write only the lettes that have catS..!
  16. Giran Castle Town... to sit near the stairs :P
  17. *Search next time... :-\ Already posted...! So what else remaing to do ?!!? <TOPIC LOCKED>
  18. Nai... ntax dn to les k problem... Einai ena warning alla dn kserw ti einai :-// Thats why i made this TOPIC ;/
  19. 1rst topic created at December 26, 2007, 11:54:38 PM » 2nd hlapex + l2 phx are dead almost everywhere...! 3rd search the forum for more info how to use them...! <TOPIC LOCKED>
  20. Vsk nomizw oti paizetai kt me tn karta grafikwn...! Alla to game paizei kaNoNikA... Anyway an kserei kapoios pio sugkrimena as m pei.. Ty... EDIT: Auto lew k egw.. :P kt me tn karta grafikwn.. :-\
  21. Mexri k format exw dokimasei... ;p Btw to l2 mpenei apla 8elw na ma8w ti einai auto p me leei..
  22. Stin arxi otan trexw to l2.exe m vgazei auto to mnm.. Kserei kaneis ti simainei k gt m to vgazei ? ??!?!?!? http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee66/K4rMa2007/2-14.jpg To l2 pali trexei kanonika alla 8elw na ma8w ti simainei ;p
  23. Yeah me2 ... I am going to GYM everyday ;O :P 7-9 hours i mean from all day not continiously... 3 hours morning 2 hours afternoon 2-4 hours at the evening ;D *Of course i will not be online some days... Because i will go to the sea you know or with my friends somewhere else.. for hunting girls...( hmm how to say this in english"Mounotsarka"huh) and drinkS..! Anyway we are off topiC.. but who cares SPAM TOPIC RulleZz ... :P
  24. Heh what else to do in the morning ?! :O I cant do anything in the damn hot summer :P The evenings of course i will go for drinkS (If my friends are here....!) *Btw if you think that i am a fat boy that is on the pc 24/24 hours and playing pc games .. then you are wronG ;D *Tell me if you want to show you my face ... :P
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