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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. - Topic unlocked + Moved to right section + Spamming / Flamming / Off topic replies removed...
  2. Min kaneis reply s palia tOpics. locked.
  3. Is any crack , serial , patch , activator in there? Because if it has the aPp will be removed
  4. It's not make any sense.. everyone can get it.. with the last updated version http://earth.google.com/
  5. Katalavenete ti simainei me auti ti frasi e ? Palia oi real devs itan 2-3. Twra o ka8e apeiros pernei ena ready pack... allazei ta names apo ta bat files... pros8etei dika tou npc h pernei etoima ta opoia allazei names , morfes klp k vgazei ena pack... k onomazete Lineage 2 developer! Gemisame apatewnes k apeirous erasitexnes :P dld ti to vazete to name l2 developer ntax... xalarwse to ligo.. k pane pare kana pVp ;=D
  6. be carefull.. dont spam... look the date... and DONT REPLY to old topics. locked.
  7. -1 karma, 1rst warning read under my signature. locked (already posted)
  8. Dont reply to old topics. 1rst warning. locked.
  9. Done , /off topic About the phrase that i have on my sig.. .. It's okay ;=D
  10. L2deathrace... I have a feeling u will be banned soon. Stop that. locked.
  11. read under my signature. topic locked.
  12. dont reply to old topics. locked.
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