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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. trava restart to router stin xeiroterh
  2. AdGoggle is a mobile app that displays targeted and interest matching mobile ads that users want, engage with, and spread virally, while paying users multi-tiered passive and recurring monthly income. The AdGoggle interest graph ad network is a revolutionary mobile advertising platform that disrupts the existing models of Internet and mobile advertising. With AdGoggle, the user and their social networks are transformed into and interest graph media that enables them to receive advertisements they want, while allowing advertisers to accurately reach their target audience. AdGoggle's mission is to build and reward the world's largest multi-tier interest graph user network that advertisers can accurately, effectively and directly connect to. AdGoggle's target launch date is in October 2012, plus or minus a couple of weeks. We may launch earlier, or slightly later. After we launch, you will be able to login into the AdGoggle mobile application and view the full details of your entire AdGoggle network, view reports on how much money you have earned, view your cash out history, enter your Paypal details to receive your monthly earnings, update your account and profile details, view the mobile advertisements etc. Watch the promotional video: AdGoggle - The Interest Graph Ad Network Built your Referral downline today - invite your friends - family and everyone else you could refer and make ur downline and ur earnings much bigger! Note: This is the prelaunch mode - the official mobile app will be out at Octomber 2012 until then make sure you have many referrals for a great start! JOIN HERE:
  3. an exei h karta grafikwn panw 3 kila skoni k 15 fores format na to kanei de 8a niwsei...
  4. Me2. But proofs or never happend. If i had up to 5000$ daily in my pocket i was not going to share it even for 500$/copy.
  5. and why u have the same exactly texts if this is not a re-write.... at least tell us the truth, maybe it's working but dont pretend that this is yours plz.
  6. 3 minutes searching. Sorry @jaszczomp25 http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=2539813
  7. I didnt even asked for a vouch copy - what are you talking about? Anyway i dont care i just said my opinion. By the way ur guide is listed somewhere here: http://www.google.gr/#hl=el&sclient=psy-ab&q=ebay+money+making+&oq=ebay+money+making+&gs_l=hp.3..0j0i30l3.95.5012.0.6711.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=eb2f78fb911988d1&biw=1024&bih=677
  8. Good luck, i never bought a guide and i will never buy one. You saw it somewhere at the internet and u edited the pdf or re-write, internet is huge u can find good free ways to make money. I dont even believe the picture with payments if you had 2.000$ payment u would not sell this method public for 30$.
  9. re mlks mi trwte to papa apo ta m.m.e k to internet h thiteia dn anevenei - na mas taisoun dn eixan otan pigena egw k 8a tin auksisoun ki allo ? Pagidoula einai na mpenoun oi pitsirikades na gemisoun oi monades kai na douleuoun swsta ta stratopeda xwris emplokes kai provlimata (eleipsh prosopikou - afylaxta shmeia stratopedou.)
  10. What a jungler means ? also "ss" ?
  11. Does this include home selling and phone calls ? ;)
  12. [GR] Δε πρόκειται να βγάλετε άκρη για κανένα λόγο.... τα ξέρουμε αυτά τα ανοιχτά projects πόσο κρατάνε και τι γίνεται.[/GR]
  13. Pending Points: 7295 Lifetime Points: 20630
  14. K4rMa


    Aν ξεπέρασες το όριο στις αλλαγές και θέλεις τόσο πολύ να το αλλάξεις κάνε καινούργιο Profile απλά και ωραία και βεβαιώσου αυτή τη φορά να βάλεις το όνομα που θέλεις. ^^
  15. Ακόμα παλεύεις ε?
  16. oxi :P Kastoria
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