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SQL Developer

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Everything posted by SQL Developer

  1. Kalhspera loipon as to piasw apo thn arxh exw kanei download to ready pack tou frozen kai oxi me eclipse vrika enan kodiko [code ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0 #P Chr.6GMS Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/RequestEnchantItem.java =================================================================== --- java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/RequestEnchantItem.java (revision 5263) +++ java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/RequestEnchantItem.java (working copy) @@ -237,6 +237,11 @@ } item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel()+1); item.updateDatabase(); + + if(item.getEnchantLevel() == 16) + for(L2PcInstance j : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers()) + if(j != null && j != activeChar) + j.sendMessage("Congratulations,"+j.getName()+" successful enchanted "+item.getItem().getName()+"+16"); } } else kai thelw na ton valw ston server mou,loipon anoi3a to eclipse ekana ta panta,perasa ton kodiko ekei pou prepei kai ekana run as ant 1 oste na apothikefti to gameserver,o kodikos pou perasa omws se poio arxeio vriskete akrivos sto workspace mou giati den mporo na valw olokliro to gameserver epidi sto allo exw kanei para pola pragmata kai se poia topothesia sto pack mou to vazw? euxaristo
  2. coz he dont make trade with paysafe card,i allrdy asked him
  3. prepei na xrisimopoihseis eclipse tote kai na vreis ton katalilo kodiko den ton kserw :/
  4. vrika polu kala geodata file mou euxaristo pantws :)
  5. database/table custom_droplist mobId ItemId min max category chance 34291 57 10000000 20000000 p.x 9538102 gia 100% 1000000
  6. an xrisimopoieis eclipse aplos mpes kai psakse to litourgiko sistima twn crystal copy kai valto sto leitourgiko sistima twn blessed den einai kati duskolo aplos den thumame to location akrivos psakse kai tha vreis an dn uparxei zita code (sou protino na mpeis sto site tou pack sou kai na rwtiseis gia codes)
  7. Mpes sto game phgene to char sou ekei pou thes na vgenoun oi players kai grapse sto char /loc ta prwta noume einai to X to 2o to Y kai to 3 to Y gl
  8. do all other thinks first and last do database install (i think you have to do register_gameserver first but i am not sure so do all other 1st and try last again database install) and good luck p.s:for this we make 1st the pack from our home pc and after we send it to machine.
  9. logika uparxei mesa sto pack sou egw pou xrisimopoiw l2jfrozen einai sthn topothesia gameserver\config\functions\pvp kai sto pvp leei: # ------------------------------ # PK Color System - # ------------------------------ # Each Amount will change the title content and color to the values defined here. # Example: PkAmount1 = 500, when a character's pk counter reaches 500 # their title color and content will change according to the TitleForAmount value. # Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format. EnablePkColorSystem = True # Settings For Ammount 1. PkAmount1 = 200 TitleForAmount1 = FFA500 # Settings For Ammount 2. PkAmount2 = 500 TitleForAmount2 = FF6347 # Settings For Ammount 3. PkAmount3 = 1000 TitleForAmount3 = FF0000 ta xromata ta vriskeis esu kai vazeis tou kodikous oriste ena site pou exei ola ta collor urls http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp ama den uparxei kati paromio sto pack sou prepei na valeis kodikous psakse kai tha tous vreis
  10. www.l2jfrozen.com (project name l2jfrozen) afto to project einai para polu kalo me afto doulevo to link na katevaseis to pack einai to eksis: datapack: http://www.2shared.com/file/zXOMblnW/L2JFrozen_DataPack.html gameserver: http://www.2shared.com/file/b2yZcxqW/L2JFrozen_GameServer.html otan ta katevaseis valta ola ta arxeia mesa se enan fakelo kai onomase ton gia paradigma pack mesa valta ola ta arxeia pou tha katevoun(gameserver,loginserver,sql,tools,start_loginserver_noscreen,start_gameserver_noscreen) kai mpes sto analitiko guide mou http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237782.0 kai kane akrivos oti kanw!
  11. den exw katholou empiria apo windows vista pote mou den eixa alla apo oti exw dei exoun mia omiotita me ta 7 an thes des to guide mou leei kai gia ta ports vres thn katalili sira, http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237782.0
  12. thelei kai apo to site tou rooter kai apo ton upologisti boy :)
  13. Hello,i'm looking for a vote system like elfocrash one http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237328.0 I want proves for succes and full security answer on this topic if you have it :) thanks
  14. Hello,i want to buy my own website domain from a good company who takes paysafe cards,anyone know any good company with payment method paysafecard?
  15. Hello mxcheaters,maybe anybody have geodata files to remove wall pray and stop the players hit behind the walls? if yes pm me,thanks :)
  16. Hello mxchaters,well i use l2jfrozen pack for my server and i want remove wall pray and the back wall hit(players hit behind the walls) there is any code free or i have to buy it?
  17. katapliktiko elfocrash to kalhtero vote reward system kai paneksupno,ama thn idea thn skeftikes mono sou gz!
  18. Hello to all mxcheaters,today i will show you how to open one Interlude server,everythink..ports open,programms instal etc. 1)We need to download a pack,so download a pack who you like 2)ThYou must download some programms: Java JDK:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-7u4-downloads-1591156.html(choose your system) My SQL:http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/(choose your system and after MSI Installer) Navicat for mysql:http://www.navicat.com/download/download.html L2 File Edit:http://www.filecrop.com/l2-file-edit-c6.html(choose the 1st one) 2)first we open the ports (btw is not all the modems same,i hope the photos will help you.. We go to modem site,my modem site is Here the setup who we must do on the computer(Windows 7) ok we finish with the ports :) The next step is to INSTALL the programms 1)JavaJDK .. we dont need somethink special only next and ok 2)For Mysql install just check the photos .... And we finish with Mysql Install and now go to Navicat for mysql Like JavaJDK there is nothink special,just put next,ok etc.. We finish with installs and now we open our Navicat 1)Press ''CONNECTION'' and we write to CONNECTION name: localhost and ok 2)We press 2 times to localhost who we create and press right click and press ok ''New database'' 3)Database name: l2jdb // character Set: Default Character set and we finaly finish with navicat Ok next step is to create JAVA_HOME just check the photos (for windows 7) we are ok and with JAVA_HOME and now go to last step -Pack SetUp Look the photos.! 1)we go to our pack loginserver/config/loginserver and open it with notepad and make this setups: 2)move to your pack gameserver/config/gameserver and open it with notepad and do this setups: 3)Move to your pack tools/Database Installer and make right click and then ''edit'' and do this setups: And we finish with pack set up and the next step is to go to loginserver and open the ''Register gameserver'' press 2 times and to cmd who will open we write ''1'' if you will find an error just write 2 or 3 or 4 etc.if everythink was ok on loginserver one new file with ''hexid'' or ''hexid(server 1) exist'' if is ''hexid(server 1)'' we make it ''hexid'' , then we cut it from there and we go to loginserver/config and we paste it .. then we copy it again from config forger and we go to gameserver/condif and we paste it again. And we finish with pack,if everythink is ok Gz! Last step the L2 FILE EDIT Press right click to file edit and press "start as manager" or somethink like that and do exacly what i do: find your Lineage system and then the l2.ini file like i show to photos open cmd and write ipconfig and somewhere tell IPv4 ... near there tell one ip .. put this ip to serveraddr: we finish and with FILE EDIT .. so If we need to make server public to play our friends just open file edit and there who tell serveraddr write your ip who will find to : whatismyipaddress.com save it as 413 file and send the system to your friend and when you will send it just open again file edit find the l2.ini file then go to cmd and write ipconfig and put the IPv4 ip to serveraddr,save it as 413 and you are ok :) If the lineage program cant open just download one system from other server open file edit and put again iPv4 ip on server addr and you are ok.. All photos,credits by me .. i hope you enjoy it. AND BTW SORRY FOR SOME GREEKS ON PHOTOS OR FOR MY SUX ENG .. I DONT KNOW VERY GOOD :)
  19. nai bump enww :) episis den nomizw na mhn epitrepete dioti kaneis den mou exei pei otidipote
  20. Hello,i download filezilla and one website template actually i dont know how to pass the template on my website? which files i must put on filezilla? only http or all?(when i put all forders etc the only think who i see on my website is the letters no photos,backgrounds,animetions ..
  21. mpravo file vampirenie panemorfo kai analitikotato topic mas voithas olous etsi!!
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